Home Forums Horse and Musket 18th Century Lauzun's Legion

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  • #4519
    Avatar photoJeff Glasco

    I have posted a bit about the organization of Lauzun’s Legion in the American Revolution on my Gentlemanly Wargamging blog: http://jdglasco.wordpress.com/.



    Avatar photogreenknight4

    I am a subscriber to Jeff’s blog and he is always sending out great info.  And if you visit the blog you will be blown away by all the information for the American Revolution among others there.  This was a great bit of info for the new rules I am working on.


    Thanks Jeff

    Author of Day of Battle, I game in 25mm and 40mm scales. Also enjoy Horse and Musket and WWII Western Front Games.

    Avatar photoJeff Glasco

    Greenknight 14,

    Thanks for your kind comments. My teaching grind has started again, but I’ll try to keep up the posts (along with painting some more wonderful Perry 28mm plastics).


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