Home Forums General Conventions and Shows Lincombe Barn Bristol Tabletop Sale 14 May 2023

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    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Tabletop Sale is happening again Sunday 14 May – Figures, rules, games etc and in my case Books at £1 each or less!

    Clearing a lot of old stock now I’ve retired.

    Doors open at 1000hrs – 1230hrs £3.

    Early Bird ticket £5 entry at 0930hrs

    Details: Lincombe Barn TTS

    Burgers, Bacon Sandwiches, snacks hot and cold drinks available in the kitchen.

    There is gaming afterwards for those so inclined.


    Avatar photowillz

    Have a great day Guy as pointed out can’t make this excellent show.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Thanks Willz.

    I did.

    My son came with me as muscle – books seem to get heavier as the years go on for some reason- and he manfully sat there during the morning but I didn’t think he could stay sane much longer  listening to me wittering on about Soviet EW assets of the 1980s and why I wasn’t going to buy the 20mm British Bobbies someone had on sale for a very reasonable price.

    So I took pity on him and we missed the games at the end. Sad for me, but a great relief for him. A few years ago he might have joined in – I had high hopes when he helped out on a few games  – but Metallica, Slipknot and a dedication to thrashing a burgeoning collection of electric guitars has led him astray for now.

    I still had a great time talking to people and seeing old faces.

    Thanks to all at Lincombe Barn for a very enjoyable day out.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Glad you had a good day out Guy. I forgot it was on, then when I remembered I was half way through doing something. Also I cut my finger badly a week ago so would have been unable to drive there, relying upon SWMBO, who was busy too:(.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Sorry to hear that Steve. It would have been nice to have a chat face to face.

    Hope your finger is okay soon.



    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Thanks Guy! Healing OK but taking a while, which is preventing any painting or modelling, which is a tad annoying to say the least.

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