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    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    I’ll be in London from Nov.16 through the 22nd. Other than a few connections through Heathrow to points east I’ve never been there for any amount of time, if anyone can recommend any wargame related stores or events I’d appreciate it.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    No idea but have fun and take lots of pictures!!!

    Avatar photoCerdic

    Not much in the way of wargames stores in London. Retail property is too expensive!

    I don’t think there are any shows on that week, either. Warfare in Reading is on November 15th so you will just miss it.

    Your best bet for a wargame-related fix is the various historic sites and museums. Depends on your interests, but here are a few ideas.

    The Tower of London is fairly obvious. A great and iconic place to visit, although it is expensive and very touristy.

    Across the river is HMS Belfast. You need to be reasonably fit to climb through some of the innards!

    The British Museum is amazing. You can easily spend the whole day there. Again, so many iconic exhibits. The actual Rosetta Stone for example. Oh, and entry is free…

    The National Army Museum is closed for refurbishment at the moment, but other places include the Imperial War Museum, Firepower at the Woolwich Arsenal, and the Museum of London.

    If you fancy a day trip, places like Dover Castle, the Imperial War Museum site at Duxford, and the site of the Battle of Hastings are easy to get to.

    Avatar photopaintpig

    Oh, so now that WGA has pinned down your smartphone IP address your going to skip the country, jolly unsporting of you old bean.

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    Haha! No, I’ll definitely be descending in glory on the 16th. Since the UK has such a stronger wargaming scene I’d hoped there’d be a big brick ‘n mortar retail presence.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Orc’s Nest is still going strong in downtown London and is definitely worth a visit! Tiny store, but a smashing selection!


    For terrain goodies and the like, check out 4D Model Shop, near Aldgate East tube station. These guys have everything for your terrain building needs. http://modelshop.co.uk/

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Best place in Europe these days for brick ‘n mortar retail presence in gaming is Madrid.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoIain Fuller

    As Cerdic says the rents in London are crippling (try living here!) so that’s probably why the lack of shops – plus t’interweb is probably the way we all buy the majority of our figures these days aint it?

    All of Cerdic’s suggestions for places to visit are great ones, have you thought of looking to see if any of the London clubs have their night on when you are in town? Maybe pop along to have a butchers at one of them, plus all of them shouldn’t be too hard to get to if you are staying centrally. I go to South London Warlords, we meet on Monday nights and visitors are always welcome.



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Orc’s Nest is still going strong in downtown London and is definitely worth a visit!

    Now I way would say it is a waste of time, I found it small, smelly, dark and the only member of staff in there was more interested in not being there than being helpful, oh and it was not cheap either…

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Well, nothing’s cheap and hobby store staff is… hobby store staff. But if you want to browse shelves, they are about it in London. And they do have a good selection of stuff.

    4D Model Shop, by contrast, is manned by exceptionally cordial and knowledgeable staff.

    South London Warlords would be a great visit. One of my enduring regrets is that I didn’t get to drop in when I was up there.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Well I have been hobby store staff and have never ignored customers when they try to make contact, and the dice were double the price of what I have seen online..
    For me it was a massive disappointment and not a place I would like to go.


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