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    Avatar photoPatrice

    News from Mexico…

    We hear that a revolution is still going on…

    A more modern fashion, inspired by US uniforms or bought from US traders, can be seen too:

    (Um, on the last pic it turned more greenish than I wanted, I’ll probably add a brownish wash, the colour of the pants of the guy on the left seems better).


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Looks good.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Is the background an image? Nice plants, very realistic

    Avatar photoShahbahraz

    The Wild Bunch! or maybe the man with no name will wander through. Viva Zapata!

    --An occasional wargames blog: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ --

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Is the background an image? Nice plants, very realistic

    The background is real wargame terrain, the plants are cheap plastic agave (or whatever) they sell in pots in home decor shops, I just gave them a quick wash with darker paint. The houses are scratch-built – although I’ve never finished them properly (they are still waiting for working doors etc.)

    The plants look big to scale but such plants can grow very big so I accepted them…   I’ve never been to Mexico but I’ve seen some as big as these (to scale) there’s a cactus farm (yes such a thing exists!) near Brest, Brittany (one hour drive from my home) the owner is a farmer who grows tomatoes in very big  glasshouses. Many years ago during his hollydays abroad he bought some cactuses, he got interested… and now he has a 6,000 m2 glasshouse full of cactuses of all kinds …you pay 3 € to visit and he sells many (real) little ones, it’s probably more than what he earns with tomatoes in his other glasshouses…   I sometimes go there for inspiration about tropical landscape. http://www.cactuseraie.fr/

    I also thought about taking pictures of miniatures near real little cactuses but it wouldn’t look real.


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I wich I had a greenhouse that big. Did get the dirt from elsewhere? Can’t imagine those are tomato growing soil.

    I thought the plant was real, the wash worked really well.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Did get the dirt from elsewhere? Can’t imagine those are tomato growing soil.

    I don’t know, but there are different qualities of ground in this area, they are growing vegetables in north-west Brittany since a long time. Anyway the tomatoes they grow under these very large glasshouses are fed with lots of nutrients and who knows what.

    The Wild Bunch!

    Yes, I was not thinking of it but that’s an idea! 🙂

    However, still in Mexico… 😉 the government forces are reacting against the insurrection.

    But disobedience is spreading everywhere…

    …and foreign adventurers also get involved.



    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I keep thinking of that every time I see this thread title.

    Avatar photoJim Jackaman

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Very nice. I like the plants and will pinch your idea next time I find some cheap plastic cactus.</p>
    I think you should get some artichaut as you are in Brittany….I should be there for Xmas too but can’t visit due to covid :0(

    Avatar photoPatrice

    I think you should get some artichaut as you are in Brittany…

    Yes, artichauts (artichokes?) are a well-known product of Brittany.

    …but, um, earlier this year some people have (humorously) remarked that if artichauts had legs… they would look very much like pangolins…  

    I keep thinking of that every time I see this thread title.

    I didn’t think much about it when I wrote this thread title, but apparently it reminds people of different things that I didn’t know myself!

    In fact I was (almost unconsciously) referring to a song by Luis Mariano, a singer from Spanish Basque country who was very popular in France in the 1950-60s (singing in French with a very strong – and exaggerated – Spanish accent) and seems so outdated now that it’s funny to quote him.


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