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    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I have a fair number of Microworld 6mm SF pieces that I’m in the process of painting up.  I think something’s finished, then I take a photo and see all the details I missed.  However, to kick this off, here’re a couple of SF dinos that I “finished” today:

    These clearly need a bit more work.  However, they’ll do for now, while I work on some other pieces.


    Avatar photoPaint it Pink

    They look nice, well painted and interesting.

    One is good, more is better

    Avatar photoShandy

    Sci fi dinos! Oh my, those are going to get me into 6mm. Great work Robey!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Oh my, those are going to get me into 6mm.

    <does a little dance>

    <high five to Robey>

    Avatar photoNoel

    Like them.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I can’t rename this thread, but I thought it would be sensible to put all of my 6mm sci-fi stuff in one place instead of dotting it all over the place depending upon the manufacturer.


    So with that in mind, here’s some Brigade Models stuff:

    And some units:

    I have a bunch more on my desk, all primed and ready to paint!


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Duuuuuude, that desert base is the bomb.
    It properly inspires me!

    Top shout.

    What do you want your thread to be re-named to?

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    Just remove “Microworld” from the title, I guess.



    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And speaking of Microworld, here are a couple of Dragonfly gunships which I just adore.  These will be running top-cover for the dinosaurs:



    Avatar photoMike

    Tidy numbers, some sort of gel pen?

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    No, just careful brushwork.


    Avatar photoSplod

    Yep, those gunships are probably my favourite on the market atm.

    Gorgeous work buddy.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Truly superb! The blue/blue pattern breaker is astounding – makes my heart ache a little, since my Foundationists and Offworld Mercenaries have sat in a foam box almost since I painted them (gripe gripe gripe).

    Beautiful work! Truly!

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I have an utterly enormous 6mm collection. One day, I’ll take a picture of it all. One day I may even have it all painted!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Your basing scheme is far superior to my own. May I ask how you texture them so well?

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I’m reorganizing my Photobucket albums, so some of the images above are going to be broken.  If I could edit the posts, I’d update the links, but… [glances at Mike]

    I’ll post the missing images, and lots more 6mm stuff here as soon as I’ve finished the re-org.


    Avatar photoMike

    There is a time limit on editing posts.
    It stops people who have been quoted going back and changing posts and making a nonsense of the quote, and other stuff too.
    Drop me an e-mail and I can insert the new URLs into the old posts, or delete the old posts or whatever suits you best.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    Here’s a 9-point mech force for MechaWar.  These mechs are all Era2, from the “Maul” (mech combat sports) setting:

    This is a more organized force of indeterminate era, but clearly of Middle Eastern origin from the numerical indicators:

    Here are some Wargames Emporium (formerly Baccus 6mm SF) Command Horizon minis:

    And some infantry from 15mm.co.uk (which are sold as 6mm but which are more like 10mm):

    And here’s the stuff from Brigade that I chopped out of the posts above:

    A better shot of the Soviet heavy infantry:

    And a scale shot showing the Brigade light infantry (left), 15mm.co.uk fleet-scale mechs (make great 6mm heavy infantry) and 15mm.co.uk “6mm” heavy infantry:

    And no photo log would be complete without a shot of the lovely command utility vehicle from Angel Barracks:

    And for people wondering about Horizon Wars and what an “army” will look like, here’s a quick shot of a 25-point Battlegroup, no mechs:

    I consider this to be a “large” force, representing a company+: a platoon of light infantry, a platoon of mobile infantry (in the IFVs), a platoon of heavy infantry, a special forces unit, a heavy cavalry troop and a Command HQ (heavy cavalry).  A battle fought with forces of this size on either side will last about two hours.


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    A trio of flyers:

    The ones left and right are from Brigade Models.  The middle one is from Wargames Emporium.


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And a fairly hastily-painted armoured company+ from Brigade Models:

    I’m probably still going to add camouflage to this force, but haven’t yet decided what form it will take.


    Avatar photoMike

    I think TWW needs a like button!


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I’m always conscious that anything I post, you’ll end up seeing half a dozen times on the various boards, FB groups and other places we hang out, Mike. I’m trying not to seem “spammy”.


    Forums like this one, though, are a good place to share a record of collections on a specific theme. I should probably count up how many different armies I now have at 6mm. It must be closing on double figures, now…


    Avatar photoMike

    Don’t worry about other sites, as you say a forum is a good way of sharing and storing coolness.
    TWW FTW!


    Avatar photoSplod

    Corr, like those Brigade Indonesians. Maybe a sand stripe for camo?


    So, can you tell us more about Horizon Wars? 🙂

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I don’t know. Mike, am I allowed to promote Horizon Wars on here?


    Sand stripe is a great idea. I might do that. I also want to do some OSL around the antigrav pods. Tactically silly, but should look quite cool.



    Avatar photoMike

    I don’t know. Mike, am I allowed to promote Horizon Wars on here?

    Absolutely: Forum “Rules”

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    So after much deliberation, I decided to continue the splinter-style urban camo from the airframes onto the armoured battlegroup for consistency’s sake.  I also decided to add the lighting effect to the hover modules.  Thus far, I’ve finished one troop (although the one on the right of picture needs some more highlighting, I realized after taking the photo):

    Also, here’re the two pics of the airframes that I moved from their original sites:

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    An update on that Brigade armoured group: here they are again with the splinter camo and antigrav effects, all done:


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    More from Brigade Models:

    These guys are the Armoured Group from my Venusian Expeditionary Force.  The HorizonWars setting has four Eras.  During the Third Era, the Earth is devastated by a meteor strike, and the independent colonies of Mars and Venus both return to the Motherworld to investigate – but with very different agendas for the survivors.

    I have a pretty big force for these guys – the “blue force” in my collection – and will try to take pics of all of them soon.


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    The full blue ground force, coming in at ~30 points, depending upon how the force composition is structured:

    This represents the sort of force you’d have in a “large” game lasting 2 hours or so.


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