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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My Little Pony – The Time Wars

    Family Stockin will be taking the MLP-TTW to variouswargames shows.

    My terrain tile has just arrived from TSS and I have quickly placed my forces on there to give you a rough idea of what is going on.
    The tile is not yet on their site as it is a new product, it is the same quality as their regular tiles, only this is a lot thinner making it easier to store, thanks for that Geoff!

    I will chronicle the making of the board and scenery on this topic and will keep you update as to which shows we will be at.

    Friendship is Magic.


    Avatar photoPatG


    Avatar photoOh no….

    Will they be at Phalanx at St Helens on 20/06/2016?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    No, because it is a family thing (that includes my 6 year old daughter) we are keeping it local and as cheap as possible.

    WMMS is probably the furthest north we will go.




    Avatar photoPaul

    Very nice that you are involving your daughter in the Wargames hobby, Mike. Not a genre that appeals to me personally though ☺
    I have a son who is mad on ninjas and robots, so I have painted him a small robot army and hope to get him more interested in the hobby as he gets older.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I had no intention of getting her to play, but as a curious child and wanting to be like her daddy, she wanted to play with my 6mm.
    I let her but it was clear that it was not quite as exciting as she hoped.

    So I cooked up the whole MLP thing and here we are.

    MLP have done some cracking cross over episodes with adult references.
    The Big Leibowski, Mad Max – Fury Road, Doctor Who, etc
    Plenty of adult things that would be lost on the children but the grown ups would totally get.

    If you look into it, you will see a lot of children’s things are done by people our age, so they put in things we would get.
    Still very much children’s programmes, but adult gags here and there.



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