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  • #192935
    Avatar photovtsaogames

    Not about the film, just a short piece about his generalship is here.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoOotKust

    Umm, I’d have to respectfully disagree on some matters.
    You give too much credit to the Allies in some ways, and not quite chastising N. enough in others.
    IE- he decided to fight at Leipsig for geopolitical reasons, when a wiser man would have foregone the trouble it caused and withdrawn quickly.

    respectfully dave

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    I think Blucher gets some credit for setting up the situation by not retreating east when Napoleon threatened his supply line.


    But yes, Boney should have seen the writing on the wall. But he was a mad gambler.

    In any case, brevity won over detailed exposition.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

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