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  • #62056
    Avatar photostephen astall

    Hi there,

    My name is stephen and have just set up a kickstarter for a brand new fantasy war-game including huge armies! We need all the help we can muster to make this possible. Our page is – http://kck.st/2pJ4ahv

    Feel free to take a look.


    Thank you



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers, I will take a look.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    I love the idea of the 2d mass armies, however I have to admit I’m disappointed that they are so transparent and desaturated. Is it possible that you’ll be able to improve on this before printing?

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoGeoffQRF

    I suspect that is a limitation of printing on a colour laser printer. If this went into full production you;d need to look at professional printing methods to get opaque inks which would make them brighter and less translucent… unless that was the idea to maintain that movie feel!

    QRF Models Limited

    Avatar photostephen astall


    Thanks for the feedback, yes we can improve on the quality. We have a local printing specialist who we have had samples off of and they look alot better. The cost is more but worth it. We have included the extra cost in all the boxsets we have issued, so there are no hidden costs.

    Thanks guys



    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Mass fantasy battles aren’t really my thing but I really like the design and the artwork.  I particularly like the 2d scenery.  The woods look great and I think you may have solved the problem of how to represent a wood on the table and still have space for troops.  If at some point in the future you make the scenery available separately I think you might find a market for it.

    Avatar photostephen astall

    Thank you, we have designs for ruins, rocks e.t.c works really well when there are lots on the table. We had a full table full of trees forming there own pathways, looked really great. Little reminiscent of a dynasty warriors map if thats familiar. Thanks for all the feedback so far!



    Avatar photoPatG

    Great idea.

    Avatar photostephen astall

    Thank you, trying our best to make this happen.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    Hi, Thanks for the feedback, yes we can improve on the quality. We have a local printing specialist who we have had samples off of and they look alot better. The cost is more but worth it.

    That’s great to hear. I’d still wanna see what the better versions will look like before ponying up, but I love the idea. Good luck!!

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Any chance you can share a picture of the improved versions? I really dig this idea.

    Avatar photostephen astall

    Hi Ivan,


    Yes will be updating this week. May even re-start the project with the new improved images, as they do look a lot better.

    Avatar photowillz

    Great idea, I wish you luck with you venture.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    depending on how good the new versions look, I would be excited to pledge.

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photostephen astall

    Thank you, will post a link when they are up. Just waiting on more sheets to arrive.

    Avatar photostephen astall

    Hi all,


    Attached are a few pics of the new specialist printers versions. We have been assured that this is the best ink and materials used. More pricy but worth it!


    Let me know what you think. Depending on the feedback we may restart the campaign with updated images amongst other things.








    Avatar photoian pillay

    Great concept you have here. I hope you are successful with the kick starter.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

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