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  • #174117
    Avatar photoDeleted User

    A lot of Tiny spaceships but I enjoyed painting the planets most. There were a lot of failed prints so I used those ships for derelics.

    Avatar photoLogain

    Really like the subtle hex grid and planets. Nice work.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    “Little Fleet Gothic?”

    I love it. Love everything about it.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    So cute! I love it.

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Very shnazzy.  Will combat be like firing ship-to-ship or hex-to-hex?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Hexes are hex shape paper stuck on an MDF board. Its cheap and effective.

    I don’t rightly know what rules to use yet. The one I’ve been using for space battles so far shoots by hex groups with an adhoc damage application. I was thinking of using Nine Navies War, with not that many ships on the board it should run pretty quick.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ah, I see, based on the old AH game.  Interesting choice, and does make sense for what is in essence battleships in spaaaaaace.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Planetside terrain for the same campaign. Pretty happy with how this iteration of jungle looks, a lot better than all my previous attempts.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That’s a really interesting way to do tiles, just about full on Fibonacci.  Looks good, and very modular.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    That is so awesome it makes me want to weep. Are those 3D prints?

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Usually I hate grids/tiles, but I really liked Shaun Travers 3×4 6mm rules.

    The different sized tiles serves two purpose. It let me arrange the board so no tiles are touching corner to corner. I have a very special hate for things like that and the weirdness that come with moving diagonally. The other reason was different size would represent terrain density. Largest tiles are open terrain and easiest to traverse while the smallest are dense terrain and blocks LOS.

    Everything except the rocks are 3D printed. I don’t have the motivation to make that many trees -_-‘

    Very typical of me. I had it all painted up and took it outside to give it a coat of varnish when the whole thing tipped over, landing top down. A few trees broke in half and almost made me rage quit.

    Eventually I’ll do some rice paddies to add a Vietnam option to this.

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