Home Forums WWII Pacific FOW Books.

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  • #37736
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    FOW is finally doing it’s Pacific books, Gung Ho and Banzai, which should be out sometime in March. I have a like not like relationship with FOW, while I like the rules some of the things they do drive me to drink. Yeah I started playing FOW back in 2005 and have always wanted to do the Pacific as my Uncle Carl was a WW2 Marine. So now at long last the books and figures will be coming out.I already have figures painted and based, using the Battlefront Ranger figures for the Marines on Guadalcanal, they are not right but are kinda close. My Japanese are QRF (the old Feudal Castings) and are very good. I plan to buy some of the Eureka Marines for 1943-45 as they are some of the best looking figures I’ve ever seen. I’ll be checking back into this thread after I get the books and give you my thoughts and I hope AAR’s.

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    I saw on a pod cast that Guadalcanal, Siapan and Iwo Jima are 3 of the campaigns that will be covered.

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