Home Forums Horse and Musket 18th Century painting advice syw

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    Avatar photo1 yorks

    Can anyone suggest a colour to use for natural leather. Paticularly British and French SYW. As most of my painting guides just give the above description for belts etc. Vallejo please. Thanks in advance

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Belts as issued would have been natural buff leather, how long they would remain so in the field…


    Have a read of this



    FWIW, I use Vallejo av874 USA Tan over white primer.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

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    I use Miniature masters coffee colour with a brown wash over it.  Then if you want it lighter add white

    Very similar to buff.

    I have used Miniature master leather with white added, it works as well.

    What scale figures the smaller the figure the lighter the colour is my normal rule.

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