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  • #3925
    Avatar photoHenry Hyde

    Perhaps podcasts should have their own board, Mike…?

    Anyhow, I was interviewed by New England gamer and podcaster Jonathan Reinhart and you can listen to our 2-hour ramble at http://wargamingforums.com/2014/08/08/henry-hyde-wargaming-author-fixed-wargaming-recon-119 if you want something soothing while you paint.

    Well, it might not be entirely soothing… 🙂

    Editor, Battlegames
    Battlegames on Patreon
    Author, The Wargaming Compendium


    Thanks for the promotion!  If that web address is too long to remember then just use http://wargamingforums.com/wr119 and it’ll take you to the right spot.

    Podcast Host: Wargaming Recon
    "Discussing Historical & New England Gaming"

    Avatar photoStriker

    Maybe a subset of the film/tv (media) group?   Does anyone have a “master list” or maybe we can create one of the podcasts out there?  I have 3 gaming ones I subscribe to (Wargaming Recon is on there!) but there’s got to me more.  They make great listening while painting.


    Maybe a subset of the film/tv (media) group? Does anyone have a “master list” or maybe we can create one of the podcasts out there? I have 3 gaming ones I subscribe to (Wargaming Recon is on there!) but there’s got to me more. They make great listening while painting.


    Thank you for listening.  It is appreciated that you tune in.  I don’t have a master list but I can say that the following exist or existed at one point.  Partly because some of them are considered “related” to me according to iTunes.
    Meeples & Miniatures

    Guns, Dice, Butter

    Historical Wargames Podcast

    Hex Encounter

    I’ve Been Diced!

    The Messy Game Room

    Advance After Combat

    Wooden Cubes and Iron Soliders (I think they meant Soldiers)

    WWPD News From the Front

    Wargames To Go

    Radio Free Battlefront

    1 Player podcast

    Mantic Games Podcast

    The 2 Half-Squads: Advanced Squad Leader

    Garret’s Games and Geekiness

    Dice Tower (and other shows on their network)



    40k Radio

    Cardboard Jungle

    D6 Generation

    The Secret Cabal

    There’s others but none that come to mind.

    Podcast Host: Wargaming Recon
    "Discussing Historical & New England Gaming"

    Avatar photoMike

    Maybe a subset of the film/tv (media) group? …..

    interesting, yeah I may do that!

    Avatar photoPrince Rhys

    Just listened to this whilst painting – great stuff, keep up the good work and congratulations as well.


    Just listened to this whilst painting – great stuff, keep up the good work and congratulations as well.


    Thank you on both accounts.  Am happy that you enjoyed the episode.  Hopefully you’ll like the others ones that I’ve previously released and the ones coming out in the future.  I’ll be putting more details in the Wargaming Recon thread on this board.  BUT, there’s a new episode you and others may also enjoy.  It is Episode 120: Wargaming With Kids (http://wargamingforums.com/wr120).

    On September 1st another new one will come out focused on the Hobby Bunker Game Day, which received some media attention on Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy’s Facebook page.

    Podcast Host: Wargaming Recon
    "Discussing Historical & New England Gaming"

    Avatar photoPrince Rhys

    I have to admit that it was the first time I had listened to your podcast after seeing it on but will deffo be listening to the rest whilst painting.


    I have to admit that it was the first time I had listened to your podcast after seeing it on but will deffo be listening to the rest whilst painting.

    There’s a lot of great wargaming podcasts out there.  I’m just grateful that you spend some time listening to mine.

    Podcast Host: Wargaming Recon
    "Discussing Historical & New England Gaming"

    Avatar photoMcLaddie

    Johathan and Henry:

    I heard your #119 podcast with Henry some time ago, but listened to it again this week.  Henry’s insights into the “Black Powder Controversy”  explain a lot about why the Black Powder, FOW, Warlords, and Osprey types of hard-cover picture book rules appeal to gamers today.  I started wargaming in high school, mid-1960’s.  The miniatures group I joined in LA had each member taking a different Napoleonic Army.  By the time I showed up all the major powers were taken, so the minor countries were left.  I chose Murat’s Neapolitan Army circa 1811.  Finding any information on that army in the mid 60s’ was a real labor of love.  As a high school student, it meant sending out letters .   I snagged some colored Knotel uniform cards with different Naples units on them.  I even painted up a Historex Guard Hussar from one card.  [Remember those?]

    It seems that the Hussars never wore that uniform, except for a Tuesday in April of 1811.  All wrong after all that work.  Here is the figure.  So, having to research was often difficult.  And no, when I found out the uniforms were wrong, I didn’t repaint all those yellow hussars or the orange-clad Guard Guides.   Personally, I’m glad that folks are finding it easier to transition into the historical wargaming hobby. Now, that attendant lack of concern about history that Henry noted  might allow me to bring back my Neapolitans.   It does fold into a lot of hobby questions like whether figures *must* be painted etc.   I enjoy your podcasts,  Joanthan.  You do great interview.

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