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  • #14391
    Avatar photoMike

    [poll question=’Does this Poll thingy work?’ answers=’Yes,No’]

    Avatar photoMike

    I am of course waiting to see how many no votes are cast…

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    I am of course waiting to see how many no votes are cast…


    It seemed to let me vote when I wasn’t logged in, though now that I’ve logged in and voted, it doesn’t appear to have actually recorded the vote from when I wasn’t logged in.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoMike

    oooh I will go try that too.

    EDIT: Yep, you can click the buttons when not logged in, but it does not count. So you need to be logged in for it to register…

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Once you have voted you get a little no entry sign appear over the voting buttons if you hover over them.

    Avatar photoMike

    Cool, seems to work; the option is there for all users, there is a Poll button on the toolbar…

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    It’s interesting that it tells you who has voted, but not how they voted.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    Have to admit that I was a bit naughty and voted ‘No’.  In fact,  as far as I can see, it does work.

    Avatar photoPaint it Pink

    Polls are problematical in that there is self selection bias, hence I voted No. 😉

    One is good, more is better

    Avatar photoCerdic

    Seems to work. Does it do more options or just yes and no?

    Avatar photoMike

    Seems to work. Does it do more options or just yes and no?

    What ever you choose, click the poll button and see it in action…


    Avatar photoEtranger

    Hi AB. I voted, but my name isn’t showing up.

    Avatar photoMike

    I can see it, when you look it will say myself rather than Etranger.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Swizz – I thought I was being a rebel and voted ‘Yes’ and there are only 4 ‘No’ votes Just shows you minorities shout very loud.

    Avatar photoEtranger

    I can see it, when you look it will say myself rather than Etranger.


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