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    Avatar photoKen


    Welcome back ye followers of Project Jutland,

    Today is a momentus day, the German “half” of the ships are complete ! Hurrah.


    99 1/2400 ships done with the last batch of 32 British ships based and primed the end is in sight.


    The post is mostly pictures as you would expect, the German Battle line ended up over 8 ft long which is a challenge to photograph (I ended up putting them in close formation in the end).


    The whole collection will be on display for the first time at FIASCO at the Royal Armouries in Leeds on 30th October. It will be a static display as the club members will be engaged in running the show but I will be around to chat about the project.


    Regards Ken

    The Yarkshire Gamer



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    How very very cool !!!!

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Congratulations. Great looking fleet and very impressive focus on completing the project (and in the centennial year!).

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Very impressive. 

    (For complete realism; leave them in their boxes for 2 years, play with them only once and abandon the game halfway through, then put them back in their boxes for good.) 

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Great stuff. I have a connection with the battle. Grand dad’s photo album shows some shots taken during the battle (water spouts, primarily). He served in the HMS Benbow, a dreadnought. His album documents his service in the RN before the war (primarily in China & Malta), during and just after. It’s a treasure.




    Avatar photoKen

    Cheers Donald, just for you here is my version of HMS Benbow in the foreground with her sister ships.


    Regards Ken


    Avatar photoPatG


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Ken, that was lovely.


    Many thanks.



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