Home Forums Horse and Musket General Horse and Musket Rank & File 15mm Turks

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  • #70859
    Avatar photovtsaogames

    I recently ordered a bunch of Rank & File 15mm Turks from the 1877 war, figuring they can also proxy for the Crimean War. Here is the first pack of infantry, given my basic wargame paint job.

    More photos here: https://corlearshookfencibles.blogspot.com/

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    They look good, thanks for posting.

    Avatar photoAlan Millicheap

    There seems to be a lack of photos of Rank & File figures so always useful to see figures like this.

    Avatar photoOB

    Handy pics and a size comparison shot, it’s always good to see ranges manufacturers don’t provide photos for.


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