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    Avatar photoDaniele V

    I am looking for rules usable for the 1860 Risorgimento campaign (Garibaldi Redshirts, Two Sicilies, Papal State, Piedmont).

    My requirements is: small actions (about 4-6 units each player)… Calatafimi battle for example was 1000 vs 3000 men.

    So far I am using One Hour Wargames and the Portable Wargame, but I was looking for something a little more in deep and with more “flavour”.

    My units are 12 infantry, 6 cavalry and 1 gun (in 1/72).

    A set of such rules for  h&m / acw could also be adapted?

    Thank you


    Avatar photoMartinR

    Neil Thomas’s Nineteenth Century rules cover this period and are fairly scale agnostic, so the unit sizes are quite loose.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke


    Bloody Big Battles is a rich set, and has already some scenarios for the Risognimento available , and I am sure more will come (I will be making Rieti 1821, and maybe some others for my 3×3 series of scenarios)

    Montebello* and Palestro* for 4×4 tables

    Volturno* and Magenta for 6×4 tables

    Solferino for 8×4 tables

    *asterisked scenarios are free and can be found at the BBB groups.io group.

    Avatar photoGiles Dorrington

    Bloody Big Battles! might be worth a look. There are scenarios for both Montebello and Palestro (both of which would broadly fit your requirements, although you might have to tweak the unit sizes a bit) in the files section of the Groups.io Bloody Big Battles group https://groups.io/g/bloodybigbattles

    And if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous one of the scenario books, Bloody Big European Battles, has scenarios for both Magenta and Solferino.

    Avatar photoGiles Dorrington

    Sorry, Konstantinos got there just ahead of me!


    Great Minds think alike

    Avatar photoDevon Start

    I agree that Niel Thompsons rules are really cool, and for small battles. the rules are like 9 pages and the rest of it is his thought process on the rules. it was a really good read hostely.

    Avatar photoDevon Start

    Bloody Big Battles! might be worth a look. There are scenarios for both Montebello and Palestro (both of which would broadly fit your requirements, although you might have to tweak the unit sizes a bit) in the files section of the Groups.io Bloody Big Battles group https://groups.io/g/bloodybigbattles And if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous one of the scenario books, Bloody Big European Battles, has scenarios for both Magenta and Solferino.

    i was going to suggest bloody big battles but the OP did mention he actually wants small battles with just a few units per side, so bloody BIG battles is probably right out. However these rules or the 1866 rules are what i would use for this period.


    There are smaller scenarios using BBB.

    Avatar photoDevon Start

    The other rules are more appropriate i realize that there is a difference between answering to get a dopamine hit for talking about your favorite rules and then there is actually answer the question

    Avatar photonigel Tullett

    We have played some very entertaining games of the conflict with Scum of the earth, the system allows you to add period feel. It’s a difficult period to game with out making too one sided, columns of Red shirts very limited fire power hopefully charging home, well led needs to be reflected as well as the desire to keep pushing forward. Facing some very poor unwilling opponents. Scum of earth in my mind under rated system, manages to be more enjoyable than BP in my view with simple system and great for the size actions you are looking at.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Scum of the Earth!  Brilliant suggestion Nigel!  I was idly thinking Shako to Coal Scuttle, but the sweet spot for those rules is usually more units in my experience.

    I’ve also played a lot of Scum, and had a lot of fun.  Not sure why I haven’t played it in a few years.  Obviously I definitely second Mr Tullet’s suggestion.  They’re from Nordic Weasel and available on Wargames Vault.

    Avatar photoDaniele V

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have Scum of the Earth and I played some games years ago, nice rules… I will try them for the Risorgimento too. Thank you all for your suggestions.</p>


    To Devon. Sure man, whatever you say.  We can happily ignore each other form now on. Peace be with you.

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