Home Forums WWII Rots, Normandy 6mm AAR

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  • #178143
    Avatar photoMark Luther

    This was the 2nd part of the Rots June 11, 44 game. This was the actual assault into Rots by A and B Troops of the 46 RMC along with 2 and 3 Troop and the HQ tanks of the Fort Garry Horse. The town was defended by elements of 4 Kompanie, 12 SS PzGrd Rgt and the grenadiers of 1st Kompanie PzGrd Rgt 26 of the 12th SS Div.
    The attack would come from the NW and west side of the table (the near side) The village of LeHamel and the River Mue are off table to the west.
    John played the Germans and he was told that the Brits/Cdn are to the north and Nw
    William could bring the Commandos in from the roads on the west edge and we went with their historical route of the Chemin de la Cavee,
    Commandos had 2 troops and the support of 2 troops of M4s/Fireflies and 2 HQ troop M4s. The Germans had a weak company and 4 Panthers and 1 PaK 40.  I Ain’t Been Shot Mum rules
    Link to flickr report: https://www.flickr.com/photos/6mmgaming … 352407877/


    Avatar photoMike

    Oooh that is a nice looking table.

    Avatar photoMark Luther

    Hiding among the tombstones


    Link to flickr site with AAR

    Didn’t seem to work when originally posted


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That really is a wonderful looking game.  Tis a shame you guys didn’t get to play it out to the full end.

    Is this playing mat dedicated to this game setup (Rots), or is it your general mat that you then draw roads and whatnot on with chalk, etc for specific scenarios and layouts?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMark Luther

    I use a basic green or brown or whitish sheet and mark up road and fields appropriate for every game.   Cheap and versatile.  You can place shapes underneath for hills and ridges.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Holy mother of 6mm, that I some table.
    I admire what you’ve got there and from the guy squating down to get a grunts-eye view I’ll bet it was a great game.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I use a basic green or brown or whitish sheet and mark up road and fields appropriate for every game.   Cheap and versatile.  You can place shapes underneath for hills and ridges.

      It’s really super effective, might have to adopt this method.  Thanks!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMark Luther

    And I’ve had these sheets for decades.  Just use some spray and wash on the chalk pastels, throw them in the wash and if there is any residue pastel I just go over that area with some suitable spray paint.


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