Home Forums Medieval Saga in 40mm

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    Avatar photogreenknight4

    Saga in 40mm

    Here are some pictures of a game I ran called saving Maid Marion.  I used 40mm Vanguard miniatures.  Fun game and great looking.  As a figure was removed it and replaced it with a 25mm casualty, this gave me the visual of how the game progressed.   As you can see I use a Hotz Matt broken into 4″ squares.  The squares are not used in this game.  The whit markers are used to mark fatigue.  I also found I could use multi based figures as well as singles.  I base my singles on 1″ adhesive backed magnetic circles.  For armies I used a Sheriff of Nottingham and a Robin hood list that I found on the Saga Forums.

    Saga Gallery Link

    Author of Day of Battle, I game in 25mm and 40mm scales. Also enjoy Horse and Musket and WWII Western Front Games.

    Avatar photoAltius

    I hadn’t seen those Vanguard figures before, but that seems just the scale for something like Saga. Are there plans to do those in other periods as well?

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

    Avatar photogreenknight4

    Yes we have them in 40mm AWI and 40mm ACW.

    Author of Day of Battle, I game in 25mm and 40mm scales. Also enjoy Horse and Musket and WWII Western Front Games.

    Avatar photoGames Poet

    The Vanguard and Trident figures are excellent.  These are easy to paint and yet well detailed.


    Folks sometimes get put off by the price of 40mm, and yet with the right rules, you don’t need many to get started.  Even if it is just a person’s sideline in the hobby, this can be fun, very visual, while using a slow gradual method of accumulation and use, folks can find that 40mm to be an enjoyable and relaxing part of the hobby.  Although, no one will argue if you just go ahead and take the plunge, and those that do are missing out on the point. : )

    : )

    Avatar photoAlan Rudd

    Hi folks, Check out my website as I have just been given the ” England Invaded”  moulds from Steve ( Graven images) to add to our current ranges I sell for him. There is also a Prehistoric Europe range ( Bronze age) which I hope will be re launched very soon. Regards Alan   http://www.hokaheywargaming.co.uk


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