Home Forums General General Sell me on 6mm

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    So I used to play GW Epic and I’ve admired 6mm figures from a distance for a while but it always seems daunting, particularly having to get a different set of terrain.

    So I am asking for the hype-men, the shills and the fanboys: Do your worst 🙂

    Sell me on why 6mm is awesome, any genre, any period.

    Avatar photoUsagitsuki
    Avatar photoMike Headden


    – easy to paint as no detail needed.

    – cheap to buy

    – possible to field a larger number of figures per base to give a more impressive and realistic image of units

    – scenery is smaller and therefore cheaper


    Of course 2mm is where it’s really at 🙂

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Masses of soldiers on the table look great, and 6mm spans the gap between feeling like a sergeant leading your 28mm troops, feeling like a Lieutenant leading your 15mm scale platoon, and being a General leading your 3mm scale army corps. The 6mm scale is the Colonel leading his battalion, tactical but not micromanaging, and with enough of each level above and below to feel like an engaging game scale all its own.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    What Mike said plus battles tend to look like battles, rather than a school trip with 28mm figures (as said by Rick Priestly).

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Now who is gonna hype up 6mm skirmishing? 🙂

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Also me.

    It lets you play the same games you like to play at other scales, but on a 12” square base. You can take your games with you! And the wealth of 6mm figures out there are your friends. Like Fantasy? Look at Microworld Games. Like Science Fiction? Go to Vanguard Miniatures. And for the price of a couple packs you’re off and running – the same game you liked before but it didn’t cost you half the gross national product. And if you then set them with magnets and put them on a steel base, you can play both types of games with the same kit.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Now who is gonna hype up 6mm skirmishing? 🙂

    It is a great size for 1-2 platoon per side skirmishes, play it in true scale, even with vehicles.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    What does the typical gaming table come out to in 6mm? 3-400 meters across?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Depends on ground scale. Anything from about 300 yards to a mile or two.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Oh sorry, I meant if you are using “true” ground scale for the miniatures.

    Avatar photoMike

    6mm skirmish?


    I have a dim awareness of this…  😀

    1m x 1m.

    Now. Ivan. You are a clever enough bloke. I feel  you don’t need to be sold on this, rather you know it is a great thing to do.

    So, with that in mind. What you writing?



    Avatar photoPunkrabbitt





    FOR SALE!!!!


    There you are, on 6mm, being sold.

    Please visit my OSR products for sale at

    Avatar photoUsagitsuki

    What does the typical gaming table come out to in 6mm? 3-400 meters across?

    About that for a 1.2m table, depending on what scale you use for 6mm. This was a battle on a 1.2 x 1.8m table with a 1:1 figure scale, and 1:250 ground scale.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    That is lovely (and thank you as well)

    Avatar photoWhirlwind


    What does the typical gaming table come out to in 6mm? 3-400 meters across?

    Yes, about that. I use either 1cm = 2m or 3m, or 4cm = 10m as all in the ‘more-or-less’ true scale. For my typical small board games (on a 2’x2′ or 3’x2′), that works out as up to 270m x 180m. Double that for a ‘typical’ medium-sized board.


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    6mm practically sells itself!

    I too skirmish with singly based figs in 6mm, works a treat.  A lot less expensive to field a wide variety of troops and vehicles, you can use realistic ranges for post industrial revolution types if you want to (which means you don’t necessarily have to use a smaller table), and can immediately translate to bigger battles without having to change scales.  Plus, takes up less storage space (just sayin…).

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMartinR

    6mm. Cheap, easy to paint, easy to store, easy to transport, looks great and is a simple way to put together armies for a peripheral period. Did I say it is cheap?

    I also find them easier to handle with my big fat fingers than 2mm, which even when based, is a bit fiddly.


    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I do the single based skirmishing in 6mm. I love that I can fit a small game in a small area.

    Avatar photogreg954

    I just liked the models which were available at the time to buy (Scfi). Storage was convenient, not to mention I never found it took too long painting.

    6mm skirmish? Sci-fi? I have a dim awareness of this…

    Ah, yes, me too. Anvils Gate comes to mind…..not to mention 6mm Scfi is a joy to scratch build in. Doesn’t take a huge bits box and those Robinson fruit shoot drinks caps were widely used by someone on here….Used for habitation units 🙂

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