Home Forums WWI Simple WW1 Sinai-Palestine Campaign

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  • #175894
    Avatar photoPeter

    Beginning a simple, and solo, WW1 Sinai-Palestine campaign using 1/72 plastic figures and the odd scratch built vehicle and aircraft.


    The campaign games use a variation of One-Hour Wargame rules with activation tests.

    A game in progress

    Avatar photoTony S

    I enjoyed reading your report and look forward to more.  Lovely figures and terrain.  Good work on the photo of the plane – catching the shadow as they strafe the infantry was a nice touch.

    Does anyone play OHW as written? 😉. Your modifications seem very sound, and as a fan of gaming friction, I rather like them.


    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I enjoyed reading your report and look forward to more. Lovely figures and terrain. Good work on the photo of the plane – catching the shadow as they strafe the infantry was a nice touch. Does anyone play OHW as written? 😉. Your modifications seem very sound, and as a fan of gaming friction, I rather like them.

    I have always suspected nobody plays any rules as written 🙂

    But yes, interesting report and nice ideas



    Avatar photoian pillay

    Peter, thank you for sharing that AAR, lovely looking table and figures. I’ve just posted on the AMW io group for recommendations on basing for WW1/ machine age forces. I’ve got a bunch of Tumbling Dice WW1 coming from an eBay find. (western front) I like the ideas for aircraft sorties, might have to incorporate that In my games in the future.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoPeter

    OHW rules provide such a clean starting point to add rule modifications.

    Avatar photoMartinR

    Play rules as written? What madness is this? Actually I do play the Machine Age rules as written, but not the others.

    I added a load of extra troop types to the Ancients and I completely re wrote the WW2 ones to use battalions as the basic elements. A sort of mix of the Machine Age and Ancients set.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoPeter

    The campaign has progressed to turn 3 with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacks on the Gaza defensive line.


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