Home Forums Ambush Alley Games Force on Force SMAW Question

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  • #158097
    Avatar photoBob Frapples

    In the rules a SMAW is listed under “Infantry Support Weapons” and not “Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons”, but it does have an AT rating of 2 and it is not a guided missile.  Since the SMAW has an AT rating then I assume the rules for “Infantry AT Weapons Vs Vehicles” apply, even though it is not listed as an Infantry AT weapon.  Is that correct?

    So if I have a SMAW Team firing at a BTR-60, the SMAW Team would roll 4D FP (2D AT rating + 2D Team bonus) and the BRT-60 would have 3d6 defense dice, assuming a front armor hit.  Then since the BTR-60 is considered a Light Vehicle, if the SMAW team scores a hit they would roll on the Light Vehicle Class Damage Table, under the Heavy Gun column, with a +1 die shift for each success after the first.

    Or, because it is not classified as an “Infantry Anti-Tank Weapon”, does it only get 1/2 FP against Light and Medium vehicles?




    Avatar photomaggico

    All is ok. As you said is an anti tank weapon.

    It’s classified AP:3/AT:3 (H) and it’s a heavy support weapon.

    Then you roll on the Light Vehicle table, Heavy Gun column

    Only Small Arms halved their fire.

    Avatar photoBob Frapples

    Thank you!

    Avatar photoPapasan

    .. if I have a SMAW Team firing at a BTR-60, the SMAW Team would roll 4D FP (2D AT rating + 2D Team bonus) and the BRT-60 would have 3d6 defense dice, assuming a front armor hit…

    Just noticed this example – Bob, you have it right, though it’s not clear from the rules if you should get a +1FP if within optimum range, I play that you can.
    Stats for SMAW (Appdx 1 p. 134 FoF base rules): AP:4/AT:2 (H) +1 positive die shift to FP against buildings.

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