Home Forums Nordic Weasel Games Historical Soe terrain hesitates

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    Avatar photonigel Tullett


    Can someone please confirm the intended rules for entering, moving into, crossing terrain and horse charging formed up.

    Firstly a unit in the open wants to move into an area, it gets a discard so the enemy can react, does the unit now move into the area or cross a linear feature or stay where it is.

    is there any difference once a unit in an area feature tries to move.

    As far as I can tell the only time a unit would fail to move is if formed up with a -3 is this correct page 17 seems to imply there could be other situations. Rule Failure to move page 17 is what I an refering to.

    Horse trying to charge formed up, the rules say count as moving in bad terrain is this area or very rugged 1-2 or 1-3, if the horse fail to they just stay in place or move after the enemy reacts.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Cheers and answers below:

    Firstly a unit in the open wants to move into an area, it gets a discard so the enemy can react, does the unit now move into the area or cross a linear feature or stay where it is.

    If it’s in the open and trying to enter the terrain, it will hesitate (triggering a reaction) and then move.

    is there any difference once a unit in an area feature tries to move.

    Yes. If you discard while IN the feature, you can’t move at all (the unit is tangled up in the terrain)

    As far as I can tell the only time a unit would fail to move is if formed up with a -3 is this correct page 17 seems to imply there could be other situations. Rule Failure to move page 17 is what I an refering to.

    There might be some traits that can trigger it too, but yes, the rule is mostly there to catch any eventualities or scenario rules.

    Horse trying to charge formed up, the rules say count as moving in bad terrain is this area or very rugged 1-2 or 1-3, if the horse fail to they just stay in place or move after the enemy reacts.

    My bad, this should be a 1-2.

    I hope that helps!

    Avatar photonigel Tullett

    Great thanks – so just to be clear in the case of horse trying to charge formed they hesitate on a 1 or 2 then move into contact provided they are that close so can reach, the enemy get a reaction first. – I can’t see any benefit for the reaction-I am I missing something, this came up in a Napoleonic game and we played that the horse failed hesitated and did not charge home.

    thanks for some very refreshing rule systems.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    The reaction doesn’t have to be from the affected unit.

    So your cavalry hesitates and the enemy might move up a unit to bolster the line or fire on the hesitating troops.

    Hope that helps and thanks 🙂

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