Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic Some Napoleonic Russians (AB Figures)

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    Avatar photoJemima Fawr

    I’ve been churning through the lead-mountain like a man possessed over Lockdown, so here are some Russian cavalry I painted last summer:

    “Mother Russia, Rain Down, Down, Down!”: My Napoleonic Russians (Part 1)

    My wargames blog: http://www.jemimafawr.co.uk/

    Avatar photoJemima Fawr

    Some more Russkis on my blog:

    “Mother Russia, Rain Down, Down, Down!”: My Napoleonic Russians (Part 2)

    My wargames blog: http://www.jemimafawr.co.uk/

    Avatar photopaul hughes

    A fantastic job – they look great!  It’s not the first time I’ve seen them; your blog is saved in my favourites.  Thanks to you I’ve bought a pile of AB French Napoleonics and I’ve started painting them up.  You’ve cost me a fortune.  Seriously though, thanks for the inspiration.

    Cheers, Paul.

    Avatar photoOB

    Yes, top drawer stuff there.  That’s an excellent shade of uniform green too.


    Avatar photoJemima Fawr

    Thanks chaps, that’s very kind of you.  🙂

    The green is just bog-standard Humbrol 76 Uniform Green.  I used to lighten it to highlight, but recently I’ve been using the straight colour as the highlight, on a darker base, which I think looks better.

    My wargames blog: http://www.jemimafawr.co.uk/

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