Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Space Hulk Nano(+minis complete)

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    Avatar photoStroezie

    Well I’ve finally done it!

    I built myself a complete set off 6mm Space Hulk tiles and airlock doors.

    And here they are…

    Construction was fairly simple, just granny grating cut to size and glued onto magnetic paper so I can play on a metal surface and things won’t slide around.

    The little square inset tiles are also made of magnetic paper and as the minis will also be based on the same stuff the whole thing should be pretty stable on the go.

    Here’s a few pics of the first mission layout to give you an idea what a game would look like.

    The minis are place holders untill I recieve my order from Onslaught Miniatures who were kind enough to put together a custom Space hulk pack for me from there awesome Sisterhood and Legion lines.
    As these pictures are all a little dark I decided to pop a tile and some doors into my mini lightbox for a clearer look.

    And just cause I couldn’t resist playing around with them here’s some of the airlock doors together with my spaceport terrain.

    Now I still need to make some 3D flame tokens and find a nice way to make good looking magnetised blip counters that are easy to pick up and move around, any and all ideas are welcome.
    Ok thats it for now, hopefully I’ll have some pictures of the painted miniatures for you soon.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Beautiful! Now do it in 3mm! ๐Ÿ˜€

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    That is pretty ace!


    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    Granny Grating?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The plastic mesh that is used in some needlework:


    so called as grannies use it for their hobbies..

    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    Ahhh thank you, excellent terrain material by the looks of it.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I use it a fair bit for my sci-fi fences:


    Used it there around the still.

    Avatar photoTomias the Elf

    Really cool looking terrain Stroezie! I especially like the airlocks. Where would one get hold of the magnetic paper you use? I’ve been thinking of trying some out myself but have no idea where to get it.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Well here in Belgium you can buy A4 sized sheets in the Action store and I’ve read people have found them at pound shops and dollar stores. Look for diy. fridge magnet kits in the crafts sections and you should find it.

    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    If all else fails, try here:



    Avatar photoTomias the Elf

    Thanks guys.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Just a quick post to share the Space Hulk ladders, blips and fire counters I made.

    Group shot

    Quick explanation.

    Ladders are granny grating and those little spacer rings that come with my el cheapo tubes of superglue.

    Blips are sewing pins pushed through a disk of magnetic paper and snipped off.

    Fire markers are basically made completely out of hotglue using DmScotty’s method.

    And a little story for your enjoyment

    Two troopers are sent out to investigate some ghostly blips on the scanners…

    OH DROKK!!! ย We’ve got bugs!!!

    Nuke’m from beond the airlock, its the only way to be sure.

    Well thats all I got for you for now.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    +1 aceness.
    So many cool little things, the open closed doors, the blips, the floor detailing…

    Avatar photoalain de man

    hi stroezie im from belgium to

    just a question where you get the grannies canvas

    here in belgium

    what store pls thx

    Avatar photoalain de man

    back again found somthing

    to replace space hulk

    link https://www.genetmodels.com/fun-stuff/

    ful game whit rules

    maby can use it

    first one on the page

    Avatar photoStroezie

    I bought mine in a local sewing shop but you can easily order some online, look for Plastic Canvas or Plastic Stramien

    Here’s a Dutch online store that sells different sizes( bigger size means smaller grid or more holes per inch)


    Hope that helps.

    I have those Guncrawl rules ratteling around somewhere on my hard drive, it’s a fun little ruleset, may have to dust them off sometime.

    Thanks for reminding me.

    Avatar photoKen Warren

    Very cool stuff, Stroezie! I had aspirations to do a 6mm version of Space Hulk, or at least a Space Hulk-ish game. FYI, I still love the Guncrawl rules. I’ve used them for 15mm Aliens-ish and zombie gaming. Like you, I need to break them out again.

    Avatar photoErik Walton

    Man this is such a cool version of Space Hulk in 6mm. I feel like I saw a magnetized version years ago, but I like that you just used the granny squares here. Nice work!

    Oh that's my theme music, it's on now!

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Very impressive, thanks for sharing the pix.

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Brilliant work. I like the use of cable holders as airlocks and all the other inventive pieces you have used.

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoNoel

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Well, I’m still waiting for my figs to arrive ๐Ÿ™

    To keep myself busy while I wait I’ve made some highly unglamorous genestealer entry and space marine controled area markers and a 6mm playable version of the chalice and CAT objectives.

    Here’s a pic to keep you happy till the figures show up ;D


    Avatar photoalain de man

    good jobs Stroezie

    hope one day i can meet you for a littel

    chat and a drink ore two

    hope you get the fig quic so we can see the next update


    Avatar photoStroezie

    So I finally found a design that I like for a 3D representation of the force field grenade markers.
    Tried a bunch of different things, finally setteled on this, just a simple bead painted kinda forcefieldy…ish I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰

    For Pete’s sake Jonesey get that door open that force grenade aint going to hold ’em for long!


    Still waiting for my figures to show up, I’m about ready to call them lost in the mail and see about ordering a new batch ๐Ÿ™

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Still waiting for my figures to show up, Iโ€™m about ready to call them lost in the mail and see about ordering a new batch

    Where did you buy them from?

    Avatar photoStroezie

    I ordered them from Onslaught miniatures a little more then a month ago , he said he’d need some time to put it together as it was a custom order, there have been some holidays and union strikes in between but I kinda figure by now my minis are in the grubby little hands of some thieving customs official or mailman or something ๐Ÿ˜ 

    I’ll give it a week more and then I’ll contact Don and see what we can work out.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Ah, just curious as when buying from a UK/EU supplier, they have to ensure you get the goods, if they don’t arrive they have to re-send or refund.
    I understand that US suppliers are not bound by this, which is why so many customers pay extra for insured shipping.
    Fingers crossed.

    Force Sphere is cool!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’d contact Don (he’s very responsive) but otherwise be patient. International customs is very tricky at the moment, and I’ve had a recent EU order get held up because they saw metal on the X-Rays and conducted some kind of investigation.

    By the way, yes, in the US the theory is that insurance is the purchaser’s responsibility but almost every stocker will be more interested in keeping a customer than losing the cost of replacing an order, within reason. I found Onslaught very responsive in that regard and even if it did go missing I’m sure Don would make an arrangement to accommodate you. Always best to try to handle it off the books first when dealing with Anerican businesses – the majority are quite eager to help.

    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    I like the force sphere, but I love the aliens, what make are they please?

    Avatar photoStroezie

    The aliens are from GZG, I think from their future wars range, I’ll check the code when I get home from work.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Just caught up on this thread and really impressed with your work

    Avatar photoStroezie
    Avatar photogreg954

    It seems I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Really great stuff there, certainly going to nick a few ideas there. Especially the flooring.

    Avatar photoNic Wright

    Just seeing this now for the first time (I know I’m behind the times) – wow, it looks fantastic!


    Avatar photoStroezie

    It took me a while but thanks to HLS models 50% onslaught miniatures sale I finaly got my hands on some appropriate figures for this project.

    I didn’t manage to get all the figures I wanted but I’ll be ordering the rest from Vanguard minis soon.

    I decided to go with the sisterhood Athena power armored troops for my terminators

    I converted one of the normal troopers to a chainfist armed one by adding the tip of an avian chainspear to her gauntled.
    Still missing the captain and librarian analogue figures but I have found suitable figures in the sisterhood command pack which I’ll be ordering soon.

    The genestealers were a no brainer as onslaught has some exelent not-genestealers in their Legion prowlers.
    The broodlord is a Legion Overseer. There are three variants of this figure, this one, one armed with two swords and one armed with some sort of bio cannon, I’ll be painting these to and probably make up some extra rules for them to add a little variety.

    I’ve also picked up some of their not-genestealer cult so yeah I’ll probably end up doing the various space hulk expantions next.

    Thats it for now and I’ll leave you with a crappy picture of my new storage solution for this project


    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Freaking awesome! Brilliant work both construction and painting. Space Hulk playable on a small table – outstanding.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Those are outstanding. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Great work as usual Stroezie!

    Are we going to see any more action soon? That Xenos scum won’t exterminate itself you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Avatar photoStroezie

    He he, would you believe that is actually one of my new year’s resolutions.

    I absolutely suck at doing AAR’s, so for the coming year I’ve set a goal to do at least one AAR a month to try and find a style/method that works for me.

    Avatar photowillz

    An excellent post Stroezie and fantastic display of modelling skills, I have just purchased GW 2016 Space Hulk (having bought and sold the 1988 version) I like your idea of 6mm Space Hulk.

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