Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Spaceship in 6mm or 3mm?

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    Avatar photoTrencher

    Since I am more a modeller than a gamer, I’d like to build myself a model spaceship with a fuselage length of 18″ by 6″ . Designwise, I’d like it to look less like your expected standard spaceship, as I prefer a rather pulpy setting with some floating islands, sky fortresses and some diesel-punk elements.

    3mm would make for a big one, measuring some 270m (if my maths is right…), turning the ship into a cruiser sized vessel.

    6mm would be a bit smaller, measuring some 135m (provided again that my maths is right…) and would allow me to use PT Dockyards 1/300 Lockheed L-133 jets as fighters, turning the ship into some kind of a small escort carrier for a small Squadron of escort fighters or bombers.

    In both cases, it is rather a scenery piece or a mission objective than a vehicle you would move around on the gaming table. Unless you’ve got a sports hall for a large fleet engagement.

    Anyway, here’s a rough sketch of the shape I’ve envisioned:

    It shows the ship in a rather civilian livery. If I’d go with the military variant (with launch bays and blended-in gun turrets), I would sport a colourful 1930s U.S. Navy plane paintjob with the typical pre-1942 U.S. insignia or a rather unconspicious WWII Coastal Command camouflage with British roundels. Another option would be a WWI-style camouflage.

    The fuselage will be made of plywood, whereas the fins and the stubby canard wings will be made of PVC-sheets. This would be a lot heavier than a foamcore fuselage, but on the other hand a lot more sturdier…

    Now, what do you think?

    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    6mm as something that size needs good looking figures, and with the best will in the world, you won’t get that with 3mm people.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    6mm, but I may be biased.

    Imo. 6mm would allow for a lot more detail, adding more character to the model.

    Also, I’d love to see you paint those jets in a similar civilian paint scheme or the 1930 blue and yellow even.

    Avatar photoTrencher

    @Angel Barracks: You mean certainly some competent groundcrew/bridge personnel like these?

    : Bold and brazen …err …blue and yellow like these?

    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    ha ha, yes!!

    Avatar photoGaz045

    Great looking project……my only ‘concern’ would be the large ‘tailplanes’, not their shape but rather the vertical alignment, this would make it difficult to incorporate it on a dock or landing scenario……maybe re-align them X wing style, or shorten the vertical ones to leave an aeroplane look to the horizontal……?

    Just my 5 Eurocents!  The planned colour schemes are great…….I have gone for US Navy blue/grey combos…….I have some plastic kits from Japan that fit as ‘patrol boat/corvette/destroyer’ size………






    "Even dry tree bark is not bitter to the hungry squirrel"

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Love the design, but Gary has a good point about the “wings”.  You could make them fold or pivot  though.  I really like the vertical orientation, and would hate to lose that.  Looks like a really cool project, please keep us updated.

    Avatar photoTrencher

    I certainly keep the vertical wings:

    • While being in space, it doesn’t matter.
    • While operating in the atmospheres of the planets (gas giants – think of Bespins Cloud City), it wouldn’t matter as well, although navigating through an achipelago of floating islands could be quite tricky.

    On the other hand, they’ll make a close terrain-following mode upon an Earth-like or Martian surface very difficult to say the least. However, docking could be realised by special buildings – think of skyscrapers or mooring towers for the zeppelins.

    Uh oh, it seems there would be cubic ton of possibilities…

    Size matters, they say…

    The hull, which is already at a 50mm width, has to be a little bit wider for 6mm, considering the planned launch bay(s).

    The width should be o.k. with 3mm, but as some 6mm folks would say: “Move on, there’s nothing to see here!” 


    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    ugghh how did I miss the update, any further news?

    Avatar photoTrencher

    No updates so far. I’m afraid.

    But I’m going to start a little bit smaller first. With some fighters.


    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

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