Home Forums Ambush Alley Games Force on Force Op: Uruzgan – ADF Motor Pool

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    Avatar photoSplod

    Hi all,

    I’ve decided 2017 is the year that I’m going to get off my ass, and get my 20mm modern project out of the ‘stockpiling’ stage, and into the ‘game-playing’ stage.

    I’m looking at gaming the conflict in Afghanistan, focussing on regular Australian forces deployed to Uruzgan as part of the ISAF. I’ll be starting with scenarios from FoF: Operation Uruzgan, but will be looking at scenarios from other source books, and designing my own scenarios.

    So far I have (sorted or incoming):

    Australian Armour and Vehicles

    • 4 Bushmaster PMV
    • 4 ASLAV-25
    • 2 ASLAV-PC

    Afghan National Army Vehicles

    • 4 M1151 HMMWV
    • 2 Technicals

    I will use Bushmasters in place of vehicles like the Viking, M113, or HMMWV, ASLAV-PC instead of Bradleys, Warriors, Stryker, and the ASLAV-25 instead of Scimitars/Scorpions.

    Is there anything I’m obviously missing? I’m thinking I may need some convoy supply vehicles, looking at Australian Macks for this, but maybe some civilian trucks could be interesting?

    Please let me know if anything comes to mind, I’m all ears! 🙂



    Avatar photomaggico

    Special Forces Land Rover. 4 and 6 wheels drive.

    Avatar photoSplod

    Thought has crossed my mind, but I want to focus on regular Forces before SASR & 2 Commando.

    Realised that for the ANA, I can use M1117 too to mix things up! 🙂

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Since you’re seemingly going all-Aussie in your approach perhaps some G-Wagons and an Aussie M1A2 MBT?

    Also some contractors perhaps in 4X4 or 6X6 MRAP’s?

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoshelldrake


    Since you’re seemingly going all-Aussie in your approach perhaps some G-Wagons and an Aussie M1A2 MBT?

    Sadly our tanks and guns (as in artillery) never get sent overseas, as these items are seen as ‘agressive’ and ‘war like’. We send artillerymen, but not the guns.

    Australia is happy to send armour, just not MBTs

    Avatar photoSplod

    Splod: Since you’re seemingly going all-Aussie in your approach perhaps some G-Wagons and an Aussie M1A2 MBT? Also some contractors perhaps in 4X4 or 6X6 MRAP’s? Cheers and good gaming. Rod Robertson.

    As Shelldrake said, the M113AS4 and M1A2 were not deployed to Afghan. I also can’t find any record of the G-Wagon being deployed; and if it ever did it is unlikely to have ventured outside the wire.

    There is little evidence of PMC working alongside the ADF in Uruzgan, although there may have been a slightly higher presence once the US took over from the Dutch in 2010. If I get around to doing a US force, I’ll look at including some PMC.

    So looking at the motor-pool, I think I’ve mostly got it covered between the ADF and ANA forces. The only thing I’m obviously missing is air support. I think I’ll look at trying to find some die-cast helicopters rather than fiddling with kits, but this can wait till after I can get a few games in.

    Avatar photoMichael Wienkoop

    Weren’t the Aussie SF Land Rovers replaced by Gwagens by then.

    This is so colossally retarded I can't say anything about it.

    Avatar photoPapasan

    Did you get your Aussie blokes into action Splod ?

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