Home Forums Modern Still building Team Yankee.

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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Still working thru my pile of Team Yankee models but with a bit more urgency as I’m part of a ww3 campaign game here locally. I’m one of the Nato company commanders as I dodged the bullet to be the over all Nato commander. I’m old now and want to have fun as a grunt. Maybe pictures on my Facebook page.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    3 M-1’s built with 2 more building so I’ll have 12 M-1’s for Team Yankee. I have two Revel 1/100 A-10 snap-tight plane to build. Then back to VAD’s and ITV/s and M-113 for my Mech platoon’s.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Keep up the good work. I have no idea what a VAD is so I’m going off to look it up now!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Vehicular Ventricular Defibrilator?

    Veterans’ Affairs Department?

    Voluntary Aid Detachement?

    Very Angry Democrats?

    I got noth’in!


    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Vulcan Air Defense System, maybe?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Yes Mr Average Vulcan Air Defense systems, sorry Rod !! I need to keep the Hinds from shooting up my M-1’s.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson




    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Yep that is it !!!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got the 5 M-1’s assembled now on to 4 more of the M-163’s VADS. Then the 4 Cobras.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    4 VADS on the table 1 done and 3 building. Next the Cobras and painting.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Keep up the great work Kyoteblue. You’re a one-man military-industrial-complex! Win the arms race single-handedly!


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks Rod!!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got the last 2 VADS built, so painting tomorrow. Still intimidated by the Cobras so I started the 2 snap tight A-10’s.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Are the Cobras plastic models, metal miniatures or die-cast toys? You need two more M1A1’s to complete a standard US tank company. Good luck but you should have stuck with the War-Pac kit. I’ve just finished 7 WWII Soviet BT-7’s and am now working on 4 T-35 heavy tanks and 5 KV-1’s. Next up is 3 BT-7a CS tanks and 14 T-26 Lt. tanks for the Barbarossa Soviets. For the Germans it’s a third platoon of early war infantry, 5 Pz III G’s and 6 Pz II C/D’s plus 21 motorcycle-sidecar combos and two separate motorcycles. Then it’s back to some more Ultra-modern kit.

    Keep up the great work and keep us posted.

    Just Jack seems to have gone to ground. I hope all is well with him and his family. Any idea what’s up with the long-horn Marine?

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh I’ll go back to Soviets after I get Nato built. The Cobras are plastic and once I start they should build ok….I hope.
    And I was wondering if Just Jack has been getting his Butt kicked by The Boy and is ashamed to post….

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got some paint on all of it…..now I need to do touch up.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    First A-10 done…. still leery of building the Cobras.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    I can’t sleep again, so I’ll take a moment to encourage you to soldier on and make those Cobras your own! To the paint pots man and begin fulfilling your 15mm destiny. Democracy and the American way of life are depending on you! And remember, the closer you get to finishing the Cold War stuff, the sooner you’ll be able to get back to Ifat and Mistress Elvira’s School for Girls!

    Cheers and good gaming sir!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The two A-10’s are done but for flight stands and I’m looking at the Cobras……I wounder what Just Jack is up too ???

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Tackle the Cobras and confront your destiny! I e-mailed Just Jack the other day and he replied today. He is fine but life is very busy for him right now. He suggested that I should learn how to use a digital camera, take piccies and post them on the interweb to take up the slack while he is preoccupied. Boy is that old sea-dog barking up the wrong tree. So, put your mind at rest and paint those Hueys!

    I have five KV-1’s and four T-35’s on the painting table and the T-35 turret stripes are driving me mad. Then it’s a company of 14 T-26’s and a company of 14- T28’s to do (more G-D turret stripes) along with 160 Soviet infantry in greatcoats and 80 late war Soviet SMG infantry. In parallel I have 6 Pz IIC/D’s and 12 Pz III F/G’s along with a platoon of early war infantry and 6 Steyr-Ford lt. trucks to do. Mother, where will I find the time?

    Also there are Afghan Taliban, Kurdish Peshmerga, British Royal Marines and French Foreign Legion troops and vehicles to do for the Ultramodern table. I will die under a dragon-hoard of unpainted lead I think. Oh, and there are Ancients and Cold War troops and kit to do! Help!!!!

    Cheers and get the Cobras done!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh that dog Just Jack let me know he was alive but I should also post AAR and Pic’s !!!! I told him he is not the boss of me and I would post them on Facebook !!!!
    I do need to take some pics and post them….I’m also in a Facebook Team Yankee campaign game. I’ll need those Cobras…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I got the yard mowed but no Cobras built …

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, blue grasshopper. Pick the brush from my hand, if you can!

    And talking about Facebook, why can’t I find your mini and wargame photos when I check the photo section?

    Cheers and remember that orange is the new black you recidivist reprobate. You’re cool in the cooler!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I got a 100pt Team Yankee game in today !!!! But my opponent tried to use Infantry which suck under the Team Yankee rules. So it was an easy win for my Nato troops.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    My pictures didn’t turn out but my opponents did so pic on my Facebook.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    I’m going there now (Facebook that is)!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson



    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks Rod !!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    So, are the Cobras done yet, or are you being a slacker?


    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Slacking……till tomorrow.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Shame, shame, shame.


    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    More pics on Facebook.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Two campaign games in and I have won both, yeah me. Pics on Facebook,I still need to build and paint my Cobras and Hinds..should have time for that this week as most of the mowing is done.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Good luck on the mowing and the painting!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    1st Cobra is almost done and I have the 2 started.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Cobra, Cobra, Hind, Hind! Oh, and Elvira!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I do need to get back to Ifat someday…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Cobra number 2 almost done number 3 started.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Almost done? Almost done! That’s not good enough soldier! Drop and give me eight helos now, green-horn! You think you’re in some kind of fancy finishing-school for girls, soldier? This ain’t no Ifat and I sure as hell ain’t no swanky Mistress Elvira! Now, get gluing and painting pronto old man or we’ll change your uniform for a school-girl’s tunic and drill you to be the debutant you seem to wanna be!

    Get moving!

    Sgt. Rock Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    2 Completed 3 one is half done.

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