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  • #71075
    Avatar photoDeleted User


    Using the Terrain Tutor’s flocking method:




    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Hmm. Shouldn’t it get darker the closer you get to the water?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Hmm. Shouldn’t it get darker the closer you get to the water?


    I don’t have a lot of experience with bogs etc.  My first thought was something bright green but I remembered the peat bogs on my island (Lewis) & looked into it. Many are ‘anerobic’ ie lack of oxygen & some fairly strong chemical compounds from rotting vegetation so I thought I’d do something looking a bit dead. The pools are brown: peaty. I thought they’d be a focus for dead vegetation: hence the ring of dead grass etc.

    Of course I could be totally wrong…..




    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    I think it looks good and marsh-y, so that should be mission accomplished for you Donald!

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