Home Forums WWII Taking the Gembloux Gap – Battle 1

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  • #180190
    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Please see here for the first scenario in the Too Fat Lardies’ Taking the Gembloux Gap pint-sized campaign, using the “Farquhar Variant” rules and 6mm figures from a variety of manufacturers.

    Avatar photoDrussTheLegume

    Looks good. What are the “Farquhar Variant” rules? Are these what let CoC work for small scale gaming?


    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    In essence the ‘Farquhar Variant’ rules are an attempt at re-creating the ‘missing’ set of WRG 1925-1950 Armour & Infantry WW2 rules; more details on the background to it in this thread here and also in this battle report here.  They aren’t specifically to make CoC work for small-scale gaming; I just use them as really interesting sets of WW2 reinforced platoon – weak company scenarios.  I like Chain of Command, but I have found TFL rules generally more fun for face-to-face gaming than for solo gaming, so I have stuck to WRG-based rules for the latter.


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