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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have the Nato and Warsaw Pack army boxes on order. I’ll post pic’s when I get them. The Rules seem to have been delayed…

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    My local store got their ‘store copy’ set in yesterday.


    it does look rather nice, but the plastic sets seem extortionately priced.





    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The Nato box is not bad but the Warsaw Pack has more tanks and those 1/100 Hinds are huge.

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    I’ve just ordered the modern terrain as well.

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    My game store Game HQ in Oklahoma City Ok. got their store copy of Team Yankee in, I didn’t have time to read it from cover to cover but it does look good.
    I also got WI 337 which has the scenario, the last battle of Tank 66. I have the models so I’ll play it out as soon as I can….much more later.

    Avatar photoWilliam Jones

    I’d love to know how you like the rules when you get them.  I like Coldwar Commander but would be interested in hearing how these do for you.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have never played or read Coldwar Commander so I’ll not be able to compare them. From what I saw Team Yankee add a few things but streamlines the basic rules and changes the point cost of units.

    Avatar photoSparker

    Release date now 12th Dec. Me, I have preordered 2 Soviet and 1 US box as well as the rules. Looking forward to this immensely, it will give Cold War gaming an immense shot in the arm!

    'Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall need to be well 'ard'
    Matthew 5:9

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