Home Forums Modern Team Yankee(-ish) with 5Core Company Command

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    Whaddaya know, it’s circa-1985 again, and this time we find ourselves in Germany with “Team Yankee” (with apologies to Mr. Harold Coyle, but his book was part of my formative experiences). I did Marines, so I figured I owed it to my Doggie brethren to throw some love their way. So, the balloon has gone up in Germany, and Team Yankee has been in heavy combat the past couple days. Here we see surviving elements of Team Yankee conducting a spoiling attack into an East German armored formation.

    This was a big’un.

    East Germans: two platoons of tanks (6 T-72s), two platoons of motorized infantry (6 BMPs, 6 rifle squads, each with RPGs), and 1 BTR carrying the CO and two AT5 Spandrel ATGMs.

    Team Yankee: a tank platoon of three M-1 Abrams (survivors); an infantry platoon of 3 M-113s (w/.50 cals), 1 M-113 with TOW, one M-113 with 81mm mortar, three infantry squads, and one dismount TOW; a Scout platoon of four HMMWVs (one TOW, two .50 cals, 1 Mk19) and two dismount squads; and one M-113 carrying the CO.

    You had to know the missiles would make another appearance 😉

    A short, sharp fight that again sees the Warsaw Pact forces seen off, the report for which can be found here:

    Been having a good time, need to get back to my dogfighting!


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Another good game Just Jack, but those hills and that plastic bridge….. I put up pictures of my 15mm QRF modern=ish on my facebook page.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Nice job Jack. I have never really done moderns, but lately have started to feel a bit more predisposed towards it – no doubt partly due to Pendraken (10mm) starting to substantially support the period after their acquisition of the Commander rule series.

    I had GDW’s boardgame of Team Yankee years ago, the box stood out as it had a silhouette of an Abrams with the games title embossed in tin foil and emblazoned onto a maroon box cover.  I also had the book and photo-copied the pages of the relative engagements covered by the game and added them to the game to enrich the back-ground notes, all very enjoyable and your post took me back to those moments – thanks.

    Here is a link to that game on BGG – http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/8101/team-yankee



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh and I need to get some 15mm Modern-ish US and Soviet Infantry.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack:

    Really good stuff there. I really enjoyed the narrative and as things came to head and the battle kicked into over-drive, I was riveted.  The East Germans now and the Soviets in your last AAR have had lead feet. It’s time to give them a bigger die or at least a better one! You may have felt uncomfortable playing the larger game, but from the perspective of the reader/viewer it makes for a more interesting conflict and a better narrative. And don’t sweat the model swapping and substitution. It saves money which you can invest in carpet futures!

    I did notice the playing area was bigger but just assumed you are subconsciously wanting to move to 15mm models and troops. Or, perhaps, the larger area is a subtle subliminal message to your viewers in order to stimulate demand and artificially inflate the carpet market so that your investments can double over-night. This is called carpet-bragging in the futures trading game.

    I gotta say I love those pipe-cleaner missiles. Where do you get the missiles from or do you just scratch build them yourself?

    Thanks for a really good read (and yes the photos too – doh!).

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    I looked for your tank photos on the Facebook page and found nothing. I even went through the trouble of creating a fraudulent Facebook account so that I could see them without revealing to the powers-that-be my true identity and secret location!  Are they in the photos section or somewhere else? What’s-a-da-go’in-on?!?  I no capisce! Wat-sa-da-madda-wit-you-facibooka, baccala ?!? Maronna!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Just ordered the 9  QRF T-62/4’s that Scale Creep Miniatures had in stock would have bought some of the Infantry but they are out of stock. I have M-1’s and Brads. Need to paint up some Hummers .

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I posted them on my time line and stuff. Shrug.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    They are still there Rod, did you find me Jonathan Keepers  of Oklahoma ??

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Picture of you in red suspenders and a white bandanna holding a grand-daughter up proudly and to your right a Christmas tree? Yup, that looks like you! Profile fits too. The bio information fits too. Yup that’s the right place!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Yes that is me but it’s a Santa hat and the pictures are on my time line.  Um have your fake account friend me, that way you can see my pictures. Also let me know your fake name…

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Fake name is Sennejem Opeshef.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Send me a friend request then Dude.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Request sent and I have seen the light. Tanks and APC’s galore on sandy brown surface with clouds and blue sky as a back drop. Very impressive modern kit.


    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Can you see them now ????

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Yes I can, sir! And very green they are too. So many! How do you fit them all on the table?

    Cheers and now I will peruse some more.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    OK ya found them.  There are also photos of my Kids Grand Kids and game table and painting tables.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    My main gaming table is 4 by 6 so they do fit that. Photo is on a card table.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Bear with me, I’m at the airport on my phone, so there’s bound to be typos and I can’t cut and paste.

    Norm – glad you liked it, and Team Yankee was fantastic. I had the book and the graphic novel.

    Kyote/Rod – keep it up wit da carpet comments…

    And for the last time, arty is not missing, you’re not taking into account the scale of the game. Arty hit prior to the start of the tabletop action, and you can’t call it in once the fight starts because 1) the timescale (the whole fight was probably only about 8 minutes) and the ground scale (the whole table is only 2-3 hundred yards across, so we’re already at ‘danger close’).

    So if the WarPac commander wants to use arty, he’s going to have to fall back off the table and call it in.

    More later, got a plane to catch.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Just Jack, soon as I can match some paint to Geo-Hex Green I’ll start on your hills. I will have 9 T-64’s some time soon so I may try out your Team Yankee scenario.

    Have a good flight.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Hate to admit this but Jack’s actually terrain looks pretty damn good. Have you been using luxury carpet or something? Hills look very well <sob> <sob> it actually hurts to admit…Minis look great…love the camo excellent AAR

    But what’s with the giant grey humpback wooden pedestrian bridge…is there a Troll living beneath it perhaps


    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The Horror….

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    He’s heard they attract goats


    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    ACK !!!! Now we know why !!!!

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    I should point out that that last picture is merely an artist’s impression of Jack’s likeness.

    He’s much fatter in reality

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    “He’s heard they attract goats…”
    Yes, the Panda pays me a pretty penny to track them, catch them, and get their back legs in his hip waders.  Usually in the front, but not always…

    “He’s much fatter in reality…”
    Oh c’mon, everyone over 4′ 5″ looks huge to you.


    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Oh c’mon, everyone over 4′ 5″ looks huge to you.

    Shit man I’m sorry I didn’t think your waist was that large! I knew it was big. I mean crazy fat big. But 4′ 5″ of fat! Man, that must suck… I apologize

    I promise not to call you Captain Jack Fat Pirate Troll ever again…

    Besides it takes too long to type

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

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