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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I received 2 of the Team Yankee US boxes and one of the Soviets (with another one on order.). The models are all taller than my existing QRF T-72’s not by much so I’ll mix them in. The FOW models are a bit fiddly but less so than the Zvesda kits I’ve built.
    It’s coming down freezing rain, sleet and snow later tonight so I should be able to get the first 6 M-1’s and 10 T-72’s done. Then if I have internet….I’ll try to post pics on my Facebook ( Jonathan Keepers in Oklahoma) and if I’m very lucky play a solo game with them.
    Still waiting on M-113’s and BMP- 1’s and 2’s and Infantry.

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Stay safe and warm and have a good time.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Ice storm hit central Oklahoma Sat. night and we lost power…Got a generator going and fire in the fire place…but no internet till today…Power should be back on by this Sat or Sunday…I hope….glad gas is kinda cheap….no work done on the tanks too busy staying warm…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It’s Sat and still no power…damn it.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Wait wait !!! Power is back on and I will build T-72’s tomorrow !!!!

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    Reinforcement’s in the form of another Soviet Tank army box, 3 M-113’s 1 Vads and 5 BMP-1/2’s finally showed up today !!!! I still need 2 packs of US Mech infantry and 1 box of the Soviet Motor Rifles infantry but the core of my US and Soviets are here !!!!
    Now I just need to assemble and paint them all…
    Oh and electric power is good.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Much as I hate to say this the BF BMP-1/2 are really great models and if you don’t glue the top to the hull, you can switch the tops and have both versions !!!
    Sorry GeoffQRF.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Interesting stuff Kyoteblue, and I’m glad your power is back.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have a game tomorrow so need to get all my Soviets done … no pressure.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I got 6 of the T-72’s done and 3 of the BMP-2’s So along with my QRF T-72’s and BMP-1’s I had 10 T-72’s and 8 BMP’s and still got my ass handed to me by 5 M-1’s and a Mech Platoon. But then it is a gaming law than any newly painted unit will die or run away in it’s first game…mine did both.
    I’m getting better at slapping the kits together. Still dreading building the Hinds and Cobras.
    Laugh it up Just Jack….

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Last 4 T-72’s and 2 BMP-2’s assembled…4 more T-72’s and 3 BMP-2’s and I’ll have my two 53 point Soviet lists done.

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Sorry to here that your Soviets took a beating (yeah good guys!).  Do the BF T-72s compare well to QRF size wise?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The QRF is the same length and whit but not as tall as the BF. So they could be on the same table but not the same unit…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    13 T-72’s and 10 BMP-2’s now I need to get them painted.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got the base coats on all 23 of them now for tracks MG’s and a dark wash. I suck at decals so I’m not putting any on them.

    Avatar photoMike

    They are very fiddly.

    Avatar photoPaul

    I also hate doing decals. I mess it up about half the time.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    Painting tracks and gluing on mud guards.

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    My FLGS got my US and Soviet infantry packs in yesterday so I’m filing and de- flashing, I’ll glue them to bases and prime in flat black then dry brush the uniform color on then detail from there.
    They will not be as pretty as Just Jack’s paint jobs…I’m old and going blind !!

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