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  • #56298
    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    All I want to say is thank you for making this such a wonderful site to contribute to. Rational moderation, gentlemanly conduct and even an occasional civilized discussion of hot topics. Plus tons of gaming related stuff.

    This site exemplifies why I play with little toy soldiers, so thank you, once again! You came around at just the right time!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Hear! Hear!

    A bit grovelly but spot on.


    (PS Like the hat)

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson
    Avatar photoOldNick

    Yes, a wonderful place.  Glad to see your fast-growing and being successful.  It is always nice to see good people get ahead in this world.

    Avatar photoTwoGunBob

    I need to get ‘stuck in’ here proper. I kind of faded into the google+ environment and that place is great if you get chuffed by +1’s with no actual input or thoughtful discourse but I should at least try to connect with my fellow wargamers. After all, I should have something in common with at least one or two of y’all (Texas!), right?

    Avatar photoJohn

    Fantastic forum, fantastic people and fantastic topics.

    (Only wish I had the time to comment more…)

    To model the effect of Nuclear weapons on the wargaming table, apply jerry can of fuel to board, light match and stand well back.

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    I really enjoy the level of civil discourse here. Informative and polite but hardly stuffy. Thanks as well.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    This is my new favourite forum so I have no complaints. I just wish I had more time to contribute better.

    Avatar photoMike

    You guys!!
    Thanks for the unsolicited kind words.

    Thanks for being here and making a great community!

    I am always trying to find new members to boost up the fellowship, but as you can imagine it can be hard work and often tiring, if any of you want to spread the word about TWW that would be super awesome!

    If you don’t want to overtly try and sell it to people, maybe just share some topics you like on other places, social media is good for this sort of thing I hear.
    Don’t feel obligated though.

    Oh and if you want to check the Event Calendar and or Manufacturers listing for things you think should be listed feel free too!

    Though like I say that is not your job, just hanging out and shooting some b-ball is cool!

    Right I am off, I am waffling…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    All the Cool Kids hang out here !!!!

    Avatar photozippyfusenet

    It’s peaceful here. I like it.

    You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    All the Cool Kids hang out here !!!!

    Hey! I’m here too!




    Avatar photoshelldrake

    You guys!! Thanks for the unsolicited kind words. Thanks for being here and making a great community! I am always trying to find new members to boost up the fellowship, but as you can imagine it can be hard work and often tiring, if any of you want to spread the word about TWW that would be super awesome! If you don’t want to overtly try and sell it to people, maybe just share some topics you like on other places, social media is good for this sort of thing I hear. Don’t feel obligated though. Oh and if you want to check the Event Calendar and or Manufacturers listing for things you think should be listed feel free too! Though like I say that is not your job, just hanging out and shooting some b-ball is cool! Right I am off, I am waffling…

    I just did my bit on my blog: http://shelldrakewargames.blogspot.com.au/2017/01/quick-and-easy-hedges-for-15mm-and-20mm.html

    and on twitter: https://twitter.com/shelldrake_au/status/824039694895718400

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Thank you to all here. While Mike is in charge and does a very fine job,  you all do your parts to make this place great. This is a wonderful site and a real boon to the hobby. Bravo to you all!

    Ochoin, you are Bronze Age galley cool, the coolest kind of cool one can be. You have shipworm cred! That’s truly rare!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    They are cool ships…not sure about the worms thou.

    Avatar photoCerdic

    I think we need to be careful. One or two upper lips may be in danger of losing their stiffness!

    Jolly decent site here, though….

    Avatar photoMike

    While Mike is in charge and does a very fine job,

    To be fair I don’t do much in the way of moderation at all.


    Avatar photoPatrice

    Thank you everyone.

    …and I don’t often say “thank you” on forums – in fact I never do it – perhaps I’m too shy for that  but yes you all deserve it! Thank you all members, and thank you Mike and Sam!


    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Metaphorical group hug?

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Good things can very often look like they run effortlessly and well on their own …. they don’t,  thanks Mike for the ton of behind the scenes effort and time you put into this and of course to all fellow posters who likewise strive to keep this place a productive and most pleasant place in cyber-space to inhabit.

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