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  • #187803
    Avatar photoJim Webster

    A Russian Front scenario. We played it using 20mm figures and Hellfire rules but it would work for 15mm upwards.
    Just two small forces and nobody is entirely sure that the other side has. A simple ambush

    The Retreat



    Avatar photoTony S

    The most impressive thing about that scenario is your ability to remember sniper rules that didn’t get included in the final printed work.ย  I have difficulty remembering rules twenty minutes after I’ve read them!

    And, although it goes against my philosophy of “charge at the thickest part of the fence”, that’s an interesting observation you make about multiplayer games where few figures are controlled.

    I also rather like the rules to cover snow.ย  Very simple, yet effective, especially when tanks are so inconsiderate as to brew up on the road.


    Avatar photoJim Webster

    The snow rules are just a slight tweak to the normal ‘cross country in dubious conditions’ rules ๐Ÿ™‚

    The sniper rules we’d been playing for about forty years without writing them down, and the reason we never wrote them down was that we had written them down so never got round to looking them up again ๐Ÿ™‚

    The thing is, within the context of the rules, they’re remarkably simple. Simpler than firing ordinary infantry ๐Ÿ™‚


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