Home Forums Medieval The Siege of Antioch and the Twenty-Five Genoese Martyrs – Devon Wargames Group

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    Avatar photocarojon

    One of the five games played at the DWG this month included a Crusades clash using the new second edition Lion Rampant and seeing Bohemond of Taranto intercepting a Turkish force near Antioch.

    If you would like to see how the scenario played out then just follow the link to the club blog




    Avatar photoTony S

    Very nice looking game!  We’re actually planning on playing our first Lion Rampant 2 game tomorrow, so the timing of your report is quite apropos.  Admittedly we are going to use Romans and Syracusans, but the categories of troops are so broad that we think it’ll work.

    Out of curiosity, your scenario rule that failed activations don’t end the player’s turn – is that the way you usually play LR, or was it a decision to create a sense of urgency to get off the table?

    Avatar photowillz

    Very nice looking game JJ.

    Avatar photocarojon

    Hi chaps,

    Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

    Tony – Bear with me, I’m just the reporter on the game, and I will see if I can get you a reply to your query from someone who knows what they are talking about.



    Avatar photoMike Cloake

    Hi Tony

    With regard to your query, I often use the optional failed activation rule, because I’ve been involved in some extremely frustrating games where one side consistently fails to activate and the opposition is all over them like the proverbial rash. It can be extremely  unrealistic and spoil the enjoyment of the game. But hey, that’s just my prefernce.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Hi Tony With regard to your query, I often use the optional failed activation rule, because I’ve been involved in some extremely frustrating games where one side consistently fails to activate and the opposition is all over them like the proverbial rash. It can be extremely unrealistic and spoil the enjoyment of the game. But hey, that’s just my prefernce.

    Appreciate the quick reply Mike, as well as your observations on some games where you just can’t seem to get any momentum.  And in some scenarios that can be extremely important.

    We tend to play the rules as written, but then again we haven’t played any big, multiplayer games so if it seems a bit one sided during one game, the rules are fast enough to play another game or two.

    We did find that the new LR2 rules allowing a reroll within 12″ of the warlord seemed to mitigate things a lot.  My Syracusan phalanx would have stalled a few times were it not for that reroll!  (And yet, despite the rerolling a failed move order, my cowardly peltasts still stubbornly refused to leave their hiding spot in the woods).

    And again, lovely game you put on.  Seemed like great fun!

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