Home Forums Horse and Musket 18th Century The Tricorne Wars

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  • #4112
    Avatar photopiers brand

    Every year we have at least one big game where anything in a tricorne gets used –  The ongoing saga know as the Tricorne Wars. Basically an excuse to put all the clubs AWI and SYW on a table and play a big game.

    Sadly we were missing the Prussian forces, but still not a bad showing…

    Avatar photoHenry Hyde

    Very nice!

    Editor, Battlegames
    Battlegames on Patreon
    Author, The Wargaming Compendium


    Looks like you have a great set up there. What size table do you get into the space?  Actually, what is the room? If you don’t mind me asking.

    My whoring and daubing:

    Avatar photopiers brand

    We have space for a 20′ x 6′ table at our ‘Big Game’ venue in one of our club members warehouse!


    We have a more luxury venue for a 16 x 8 at a local hotel, but that requires more prior planning!

    Avatar photoExtraCrispy

    If I slap a few tricornes on my PzIVs can I play?


    Great looking game.

    Avatar photopiers brand

    I have threatened to put tricornes on a few Space Marines…

    Avatar photoTassie Wargamer

    Splendid layout!

    My Blog: http://wargamespavilion.wordpress.com/

    Avatar photogreenknight4

    Compared to all the figures the poor table looked tiny.  It looked great.  What rules do you use and is there a figure ratio etc.

    Author of Day of Battle, I game in 25mm and 40mm scales. Also enjoy Horse and Musket and WWII Western Front Games.

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