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    Avatar photoPadre

    Hello all.

    I was invited to join by Michael Stockin (Mike?) and am happy to do so. I can’t wait to have a good look around. I might be just missing it, but I didn’t find an introductions thread, so I thought I would start here.

    I have been running a WFB (8th ed) campaign for 8 years, and yes, it is slow moving. But it has resulted in an eventful, elaborate, richly illustrated and hopefully accessible campaign story which can be found on my website https://bigsmallworlds.com/ 

    I look forward to posting stuff here, and indeed started by putting up a post in the fantasy forum in the discussion of Wargames Atlantic halflings. With that in mind, and to give you an idea of my pictures in my campaign website/blog, here are the photos from a halfling story entitled “Shooting at the Butts!”


    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoKitfox

    Welcome Aboard Paul,

    I’ve been following your campaign for a few years now and I must say I can never decide whether I enjoy the narrative  or seeing the latest output from your unique (and highly effective) painting style.

    It always brings back fond memories of gaming with you more years ago than I care to admit to.

    Phil R.

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoPadre

    Phil R? From GUGS? (I won’t write your second name.)

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoKitfox

    The very same!  Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff here the pictures that accompany the narrative are always beautifully done.

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoMike

    Cool beans, I will have a look through that over the next few days.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Excellent stuff!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Looks superb to me! And Tilea is an underrepresented part of the Warhammer lore. A rich environment for a campaigner to explore!

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    A beautifully evocative scene.

    My first thought was, “I hope they’re not going to leave those targets on the cricket pitch.”

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoPhil Dutré

    Excellent work!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    This looks interesting.

    Avatar photoPadre

    An indoor scene from my Tilean campaign, when the Arch-Lector of the Church of Morr, Bernado Ugolini, met with Generel Valckenburgh, commander of the Marienburg trading company the VMC’s forces in Tilea …

    He’s a spiritual soul, is the arch-lector, and meditative. As the campaign story says “Upon election, the arch-lector had ordered the Palazzo Montini’s garish walls and ceilings painted over, and the removal of nearly every statue, golden candelabra, painting and rug. He wanted his palace both to reflect and magnify the thoughtful serenity he yearned to achieve. And he had much thinking to do.”


    Quiz: How do you think I ‘did’ the seated figures?



    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    The seats have no seat, just the back.

    Avatar photoPadre

    You are correct. But how t did I get both figures at a lower height than the rest?

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    You didnt.
    You made the rest higher.

    Avatar photoPadre

    Almost! I actually did the exact opposite. I cut base sized holes in the floor and placed the seated figures in the holes. The table effectively hides the wacky measures. I have a pic that reveals it all somewhere which I will find.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Fair play to your art. I did story games for my 15mm desert fantasy skirmish, nothing that elaborate in terms of set up though.

    Avatar photoPadre

    For Mike:  Here you see how I recessed the seated figs into the floor …

    And here you see how I had to mount two newly painted figs (whose feet would be visible) actually on the stone before the hearth. Of course after the photoshoot I snapped them off and base them for battle, and they have since been on the field!

    I have gone to much greater lengths for other campaign pics!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Here are some pics of one of the more unusual armies in my campaign – the Disciplinati di Morr. It is an army of Morr worshipping cultists (called ‘dedicants’) who basically operate like Empire flagellants, with some rules modifications for differently armed regiments. Their commander is the Praepositus Generalis Father Carradalio, and his lieutenant is the Admonitor Vincenzo. With the army are the disgraced Reman Palazzio Guard under Captain Vogel (mercenaries who ‘assisted’ the Disciplinati’s uprising in Remas by basically not interfering!). There is even a regiment if recently recruited peasant dedicants from Urbimo. You can see the story at … https://bigsmallworlds.com/2018/07/11/the-second-assault-upon-viadaza/

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    So cool, only possible to be better had it been Empire stuff!


    Avatar photoPadre

    Here are the pics from the story of Father Carradallio’s death, when the army camp of the Disciplinati di Morr (see above)was attacking by a lone, bestial vampire …

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar phototelzy amber

    Really excellent looking photos of the story

    Avatar photoPadre

    Thanks! You can read that story at the start of part 22 of my campaign account. See https://bigsmallworlds.com/2019/06/25/the-hunter-hunted/

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    I am wondering just how much stuff you have?
    It must be a horde!

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Not sure I’m going to get around to reading the many chapters of your campaign, but I love what you are doing here. I’m also a huge fan of your dramatic painting style – very characterful and it really “pops” the characters in a most effective way.

    Brilliant work, Padre!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    This is astonishing! You almost need to print a book, with all this!

    Avatar photoPadre

    Thanks Gone Fishing! I will try to remember to put some of the more interesting and varied images here every now and again. Yes, the full campaign is possible several novels in length! I do have fans though, who have read it all. One is even printing it off. Another joined the campaign. All of which is cool. I think those that really like it read it more closely than my 6 players!!! Sadly, perhaps, my painting style is being consigned to history, as I do not want to breath any more white spirit fumes and so have moved from enamels to acrylics. I have tried to replicate the style on several units and am not convinced at all. I may still find a way, but for now I am experimenting with dips and the like! Still out of date by ten years, perhaps, but I am moving forwards!

    @ Mike: Yeah, I have a lot. So much that I long since passed the point at which I could lay my armies out on a table. Years ago I did the ‘good guys’ but they have grown very considerably since then. I never laid out the bad guys at the time, as after doing the good guys I couldn’t face it!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Oh, I apologise Mr Average, my answer crossed your comment in the ether!

    I am trying to figure out a way of making a permanent surviving version of the campaign. Forum thread with Imgur images are transient, as the forum and Imgur will both die at some point. My own website only exists as long as I pay for it, which won’t happen when I’m dead! Printing one copy of it would costs many hundreds in printer ink for the probably more than a thousand colour pictures, never mind the fact the printer would die along the way and it would take me forever to edit all the pictures into a printable copy. How to save some sort of media file version isn’t clear to me, as it currently exists as text with thousands of links in it, either to Imgur or my own website images. Aaaagh! The whole thing is a dilemma that is beyond my ken!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    I am trying to figure out a way of making a permanent surviving version of the campaign.


    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoPadre

    While I am here, I’ll put some pics up of another campaign force – Razger Boulderguts’ double army of Brutes! Well, their loot-filled baggage train, at least! They came, they saw, they plundered!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    I am trying to figure out a way of making a permanent surviving version of the campaign.


    But what would the DVD have on it? The text, as it stands with links, won’t work. HTML would be reaching out to find each pic from links that will eventually be broken. So would I have to edit everything, all those pics, into the right places? If so, how? In what form?

    I have put vast amounts of work into the campaign (writing, painting, modeling, scene making, photographing, etc, not including the games-mastering of the campaign and tabletop), then I have put them up in forums having uploaded the pics to Imgur then edited in the right links in the right places, then bit by bit (and always a little behind) I re-re-edit each piece to correct the text formatting and replace all the pic-links with those now uploaded to my WordPress website so that I can put each chapter on there. That last job is a real grind, which is why I am always a bit behind. There’s no way I could face the weeks and weeks of work it would take to re-re-re-edit it 8 years of it into some sort of huge word-processed file with images within. If that could even be done!

    I am genuinely stuck as to what to do.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike
    Avatar photoMike
    Avatar photoPadre

    Wow! The save website technique I have tried before, saves the text and the images in another folder, but on my browser (Google Chrome) and the MS one, when I view offline, it never marries the two together and the images all appear as links. I could never work out whether I had some setting wrong.

    BUT … the pdf route I never thought about, even though I had used that method for thins like army lists it never occurred to me it could be used for this.

    I am testing it now but I have high hopes! IF it works I just create a folder and save to DVD, memory stick, external hard-drive, etc!!!!

    Thanks muchly. I hope it works …… here goes!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Yep! It works. Weird page-formatting, with headers at the bottom of page so that the page breaks are ugly, but it is all there, off-line, with images in the right spots in the text. You wouldn’t want to print it in that form, but you can read it on a screen which is what folk would do anyway.


    I will sort the whole campaign into pdf pages asap!

    Thank you. I have been worried about this for ages!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    No worries.

    Avatar photoPadre

    Woo hoo. MS Word can edit the document! I’m fully sorted!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Except … here’s always something. Word removes all double t’s and leave a blank space! Everywhere. Battle = Ba le. Utter = u er. Etc. They’re on nearly every page and hard to spot. So I can’t just re-space the pages and go, I have to trawl through looking for all the gaps!!!!!

    Does anyone know why technology is always like this?

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Autocorrect settings on word?

    Avatar photoPadre

    Can’t find anything like it. I told it to correct ‘tt’ to ‘tt’ and reopened, but it doesn’t work! Flibble.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    But what would the DVD have on it?

    When I had a website, hosted on Fasthosts, I was able to copy all the folders and their contents from the server to a DVD, then use a browser to read it from the DVD as if it were on the web. I suspect your use of WordPress may preclude that…

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

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