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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Somewhere in the borderlands

    A recon flight detected collumns belonging to the Democratic Republic Socialist Army crossing the Westeast River. The Republic Socialist Democrats rushes it’s garrison stationed in the South East to hold the line until reinforcement could be mobilized.

    Elsewhere a trio of mercenary pilots lazying around, being unemplyed, sat up as ANN breaking news fileed their 12″ portable TV.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    That’s a very swick gaming surface! Did you make it? If f so, out of what?

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Thanks. It’s made from MDF hex base sold by fluid3dworkshop on ebay. The trees are sand glued and painted.

    The tray is a sheet of acrylic I had. Bordered by plastic strips (black and white). The borders were the most difficult part. I had to do a lot of fixes to get the tiles to line up properly. It’s modular I have extra tiles and a full set (double sided) for space/ocean.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Beautiful! Are the tanks your sculpts? Can we see some up close?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Looks like a great start to me!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The MDF hexes from Iliada Game Studio may be a good match for a similar project. The look is superb, really one I’ve been striving for myself for some time: kind of the large scale “war room” style playing surface. Would be great with 3mm scale forces!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Hell, I’m thinking of getting myself a hobby laser cutter. For 400 USD, you can cut 3mm MDF in 12×8 sheets.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Are the tanks your sculpts? Can we see some up close?

    They’re 3D printed. I don’t trust myself enough to sculp vehicles.
    They were supposed to be generic ground targets but I like them so much I’ll be getting more along with some WWII looking tanks.

    $400 for a laser cutter? I thought they’d be much more expensive. I’ve seen a lot being done with laser cut MDF. MDF terrain alone probably pays for the cost of the machine.

    The MDF hexes from Iliada Game Studio may be a good match for a similar project.

    I think the sheet they sell would make life a lot easier when it comes to storage and lining up hexs, and still have good modularity. Hex size looks like it’ll fit a platoon of 3mm tanks as well.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Hmm. Those were printed in white flexible, I take it. Who makes them?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    It’s similar to white flexible (PA12) but more expensive, and a little smoother. I designed the 3D model and printed it through Shapeways.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Neat stuff!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    This was supposed to start off as an air game with aircraft trying to blunt the advance before turning into a ground game. It looks like new flight bases I ordered might be lost in the mail so ground game it is.

    Northern forces has 5 platoons while Southern forces start with 3 platoons. There’s a 50% chance at the start fo each turn Southern force will get a platoon of reinforcements. Every 3 tanks (a platoon) destroyed gives automatic reinforcement next turn.

    Northen axis objectives are the bridges in the SE and the SW pass. Their axis of advance is limited by the natural chokepoints.

    Southern objective is to push Norhtern forces back across the river and hold the two bridges.

    The first few turns were entire the Northern force advancing down to campture teh SW objective. Southern force got bogged down for a full 3 turns. The tatal failure in command and control meant the armored column got ambushed by 2 Northern platoons. Somehow, despite being in the open and caught un prepared they managed to hold on and inflict damage on the Northerners, halting their Northern advance. The Notherner attack did pin Southern forces even more, buying time for Northerners to build up forces to the W up for a push East, that could bring the whole defense down.

    The Northern forces waited too late and lost their initiative, Southern couner attack totally destroyed an entire armored platoon. Local superiority won the day on the right flank, but the left flank is in for a hard fight the next turns.

    Southern forces redeployed their center to the south, redrawing the defensive line. The now center of the Souther defense took the brunt of the attack and after a long fight was eventually destroyed by the fresh Northern units.  All along the line tanks took shots at each other but both flanks were too well fortified.

    Nothern tank platoon roll through the breakthrough in the center and into open country.

    Luckily Southern reinfocements arrived to push the Northerners back and plug the hole. Norhern tank platoon redeploy east from their recently captured objective in SW. It looked like they could turn the tide if they could advance fast enough before Northern forces seal the gap. Elsewhere Northern forces sent its own reinforcements to break the north flank.

    As more reinforcement arrives for both sides a fierce battle developed in the north. Southern force took heavy casualties being caught in coordinated attack to the north and center. In both places Southern tanks were in the open and vulnerable. Southern reinforcements trickle in only fast enough to replenish depleted platoons.

    The Southern platoon on the norhtern flank pulls back to let a fresh platoon takes its place (D) only to get mauled by the Northerners with their own reinforcements. Despite reinforcing platoons all along the line, Southern forces were loosing the center again (A). In the southern flank Southern forces (E) manage to at last break the Northerners (C), opening the line up for a flanking attack. The newly arrived platoon looks like it’ll have to be putto use in teh center (A) instead of pushing the norther (D) back but the diminished platoon that just pulled back could be put back in to bring platoon at (D) to full strength.

    Although Northern forces holds a much stronger position it looks like its in trouble as reinforcements were sent to the north (D) while the center and southern flank got wittled away. Northern center (B) is stil holding strong in a well fortified position.

    Armchair analysis

    (B) and it’s adjacent hex had been very stable so far with very little casualties. (A) on the other hand is a killing field, Southern forces lost maybe 3 full platoons there and now (D) looks like it’s going to be the same. Nothern forces will probably break through from the north (D) and could potentially win the battle in 2 turns if they capture the bridges. IF, Southern reinfocements can’t plug the hole in time. If Southern forces could survive long enough they might exploit the southern flank, send a platoon to recapture SW and up north to capture the west bridge. Northern reserves is too far from the southern flank (C) to hook around from the W will likely cost that front so the plan could be to shift platoons to (C) and use the fresh platoon to reoccupy (B).


    The map is over a 100 hexes and the game gets bogged down in less than 10 hexes.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The battle resumed with attacks and counter attacks all cross the line. Northern forces moved a platoon south to replace the destroyed platoon on the southern most flank, but left a hole in the middle of the line while reinforce struggled to reach the front line. They also launched another attack on the northern flank caused some casualty but was quickly reinforced by the reduced platoon in reserve. Southern forces then counter attacked and wittled down the Northerner platoon defending the river shore.

    Else where, the last platoon of reinforcements arrived for both sides.

    Nothern forces pulled back it’s depleted platoon at the river bank. Southern forces exploited the hole between the Northerner line, sending a fresh platoon into the gap but without getting shot at and taking casualties. Southerners then did a strange move, pulling back the depleted platoon in the north and switching it out with their final platoon of reinforcment.

    The elaborate maneuvering didn’t save the Southern forces as their northern defense collapse despite the fresh platoon sent there, Norther forces had managed to make good their loss by plugging their own reinforcement there. To the south the trapped Northern platoon managed to hold it’s own against two Southerner platoons, gradually wittling them down without any loss.

    Sounthern forces realized they needed to concentrate their force in the south, pulled the infiltrating platoon back but the Northerners seeing the chance to close the gap sent a full platoon after the Southerners and through coordinated attack destroyed the final resistance in the southern flank. Southern platoon somehow managed to hold on despite being attacked form multiple sides for most of the battle.

    The way clear Northern forces rushed to capture the bridges and cut any hopes of reinforcements, signalling the doom of the remaining Southern platoon. The single Southern platoon fought on and managed to hold off yet another attack even as their government press for a ceasefire.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Cool stuff man, I’m digging it.  BUT, we need air, maybe some infantry and arty, and we need some of your now infamous ‘color’ and character 😉


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I’m working on the air part. Hopefully new bases will arrive in early January. I couldn’t figure out hot to do infantries and knwoing me the game would probably devolve into infantry fights, ditching all the tanks.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Really cool.  I thought the Southies might have have been able to reach a stalemate, but not being able to dominate their left flank really cost them in the end.  Good stuff dude!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    <p style=”font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 20px !important;”>Really cool. I thought the Southies might have have been able to reach a stalemate, but not being able to dominate their left flank really cost them in the end. Good stuff dude!

    Yeah, I really thought they could have swung the southern flank in their favor too but I spread them too thin. Should have gone for a 3:1 local superiority before the North could bring in reinforcements rather than use fresh units to replace deplteted platoons.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Nice job on the hexed table. The idea for woods being represented by painted sand works very well.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The North lacked the numbers to continue south and agreed to the ceasefire, confident they could replicate their success. As per the ceasefire agreement, both side were required to pull back to pre-hostility positions. Meaning across the rivers north and south. The delay tactic gave sides time to rebuild their forces and rethink their strategy.

    Always suspicious of each other the South didn’t pull thier remaining platoon back and hid the tanks in the woods. The North suspecting foul play ran aerial patrols over the disputed area to keep an eye on the Southern forces.

    The South had been observing Northern recon flights and expected the next flight to overfly their hidden platoon. They hired some mercenary pilots to shoot down the recon plane, rather than use their own planes to maintain deniability and not break the ceasefire.

    F-104 (2HSM, 6 cannon bursts)
    Mirage (2HSM, 3 cannon bursts)
    lost his plane in their last job, will arrive late, his new ride is pretty slow.

    Unexpectantly the Northern forces opened the day with a flighter sweep. As if they knew the South would be sending aircraft up.
    COLDCASH went straight and signaled MUD to break left covering more gound. Northern MiG-21s zoomed south fast! COLDCASH lit his burner to meet the two bogies.

    COLDCASH decided to merge quickly with the MiGs but turned to early and was surrounded by tracers. His plane rocked with impacts but it was still flying. MUD turned in to her flight lead but is too far away to help.

    The first MiG kept on coming but was too fast and overshot. His wingman had a better shot but missed, fearful of hitting his lead. Both MiGs used up their guns now, they only have heat seeking missiles left. COLDCASH is in a bad place. Extending as far as possible hoping to turn his rear aways form the MiGs. MUD lit her burner and closed the gap but her plane couldn’t turn hard enough to get on the first MiG’s tail.

    The MiGs turned, trying hard to come on COLDCASH’s tail, the second MiG caught up and decided to rejoin his lead (should have sent the second MiG after MUD). COLDCASH and MUD were both still on their burner. One trying to get away and the other pulled in snuggly behind the MiGs. MUD had a choice between the two MiGs but was pulling too hard to use missiles and came in too fast to use her guns.

    COLDCASH continued to maneuver away, his superior speed opened up a huge gap between him and the MiGs. He had a great view of the Northern tanks below but didn’t have time to appreciate it. MUD had the perfect tone for a missile shot but was screaming in too fast and overshot her target before she could take it and broke off. The first MiG kept on after COLDCASH but he was running out of energy and was slow, his wingman saw MUD zoom by and followed her to protect his lead.

    MUD and the second MiG watched and turned into eachother but it was MUD who managed to line up a nice deflection shot on the maneuvering MiG. She missed.

    COLDCASH wanted to help MUD out but had to keep on turning to keep his MiG off his tail. The first MiG looked like it’ll cut him off before he could get to MUD anyway. He pulled into the MiG’s turn for a head on shot but couldn’t see the small plane well enough to get a shot. Their closure speed was too high and the MiG didn’t have any cannon ammo left anyhow. MUD called a warning to COLDCASH, the second MiG looked like it was lining up on him.

    “Don’t hog all the fun to yourself now!!” a voice blared over the radio. THIEF has arrived.

    Fire breathing wyvern (unlimited fire breath)

    Unaware of THIEF’s entrance they two MiGs switched targets and managed to get themselves setup pretty well to take a shot. But COLDCASH luckily made the MiG overshoot and MUD got into a scissors with her MiG. THIEF still making his slow steady way to the fight.

    COLDCASH steered for THIEF and MUD so they could help get the persistent MiG off him. THIEF almost got a shot at the MiG tangling with MUD but it was too fast for a good roasting.

    MUD felw straight and level to bait the MiG for THEIF. But a different MiG got on her tail and fired a missile. Luckily it missed. THIEF’s wyvern was distracted by the missile zooming by and refused to breath fire at the MiG nearby. in the NW, a lumbering recon aircraft was making it’s run.

    Mercenaries seeing their primary target and decided to go after their paycheck instead of the troublesom MiGs.

    THIEF managed to steer his wyvern after a MiG and let out a fireball at the enemy aircraft. The Fireball blinded them for a second but when it dissipated the MiG had disappeared. Below them a crater of black smoke appeared where it hasn’t been before.

    THIEF 1 kill

    As COLDCASH and MUD went for the recon aircraft, THIEF pulled his wyvern into a hover and turned her around. Taking an opportunity shot at the MiG sneaking behind them. The wyvern was a little confused and missed.

    The MiG followd the smoking F-104 determined to protect the Canberra but the wyvern pulled up behind him and shot a ball of fire at him. The fireball flew by his canopy getting his attention.

    The MiG fired up afterburner to get away from the creature following him. It worked and luckily the F-104 overshot the Canberra.
    (I had no idea what MUD was doing but THIEF was trying to get to the MiG and COLDCASH was trying to get the only plane he had a chance to shooting down.)

    So MUD swung her plane around to check out what the black smoke on the ground was, completely ignoring the dogfight going on before zooming in head on with the Canberra but was too fast to take a shot. COLDCASH was flying circle around the bomber but didn’t have time to line up a shot with a MiG on his tail. THIEF on the other had been planning to jump on the Canberra and kicked his wyvern to do it’s thing, seeing the fireball punch a hole in the bomber’s wing. It wasn’t down though.

    COLDCASH, the MiG and MUD all played a game of follow my lead, while THIEF passed and turned his wyvern after the Canberra instead. The wyvern had no trouble following the slow bomber and casually licked it with firy breath. The wooden aircraft caught fire and plummeted to the ground.

    THIEF 2 kills

    With the odd being 3:1 and the bomber down the MiG turned north and lit it’s burner. THIEF had no chance of keeping up with the fighter and headed south. COLDCASH didn’t want to puch his luck either and also turned south. MUD, did a quick calculation and figured she couldn’t catch up with the MiG either.


    I’ve decided the mercenaries needed 10 kills between them to buy THIEF a new plane.
    The Wyvern can only move 1 hex and only has the equivalent to a cannon attack but it can turn on a dime and can only be shot at by cannons and HSM+.

    Avatar phototelzy amber

    Well that was a surprise

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Well that was a surprise

    <— Understatement!

    That is pretty wild!  Now I need to know if other armies have dragons too, or is this a McGuffin?  Will we see dino-cav too?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    @telzy & DSG
    That thing was more McGuffin than anything. Thought I’ll throw something I don’t mind loosing in there. Now that I’ve intoduced weird creatures I’m more open to having Kaijus in the game. Most likely will be reusing minis from other projects.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The North is crying foul at it’s aircraft being shot down by unidentified aircraft and threatening to resume combat. Southern spies reported Northern Army is doubling its mobilization, calling paramilitaries to suplement its reservist. They had also been keeping a constant air patrol over their side of teh river.

    Southern Command decided to deliver the first blow this time and fired up it’s small Air Force to hit the two bridges. It’ll be the end of the ceasefire so they’re throwing everything in, including the mernenaries.

    The plan was to hit the East Bridge as the primary target and the West Bridge if possible. The mercenaries would provide top cover.

    THIEF came in first being the slowest. The MiGs spotted the Wyvern right away and turned to cross the river. THIEF kept to the west to draw the fighters aways form the West Bridge. The MiGs turned into THIEF, splitting up to bracket him in.

    Typical! The Southern Air Force came in early, before the Northern CAP was taken care of. A MiG zoomed in and took a shot at THIEF but all his shells mised the slow moving creature. THIEF turned into the MiG’s turning circle to buy himself some more time, shouting into his radio.

    “Where the hell are you guys! They’re all over me!!”

    The other MiG came in slow and steady behinh the wyvern and made his own gunrun. The wyver cried in pain and limped visibly.

    “They got me!! I’m in trouble!”

    Luckily COLDCASH made it into the combat zone, but too late to spring the trap they had setup. Southern Air Force turns in for the bomb run. Under COLDCASH’s cover THIEF turned for home.

    The MiGs splits up again. One going for the attack aircraft the other keeping COLDCASH off his wingman. They couldn’t make it before the bombs were dropped but the two attackers only managed to damaged the bridge. Their bombs expended they’ll be heading home. The MiG took a snapshot at the rapidly closing southern aircraft but missed.

    COLDCASH lined up for a run, but his target saw him coming and sped out of his crosshair. MUD finally decided to join in the fight, turning up in a good position for a missile attack.

    The MiG on COLDCASH decided to take an opportunity shot at the retreating attack aircraft but his wingman crossing his missile’s path ruined the tracking and the missile dove into the ground.

    MUD zooms in eager to get into the fight.

    His wingman cleared his line of sight, the MiG tried again, launching another missile, this time it hit but only damaged the Southern aircraft.

    The (bottom) MiG had now used up all its guns and missiles and was no longer a threat. The one at the top still had two missiles though and COLDCASH eyes the aircraft as it merged with MUD.

    The fight being effectively 2:1 in favor of the mercenaries the Migs head north and run for home while the mercenaries tried to come around.

    By the time COLDCASH and MUD ahd turned arounf teh MiGs were well out of their reach.

    A partial victory for the South but the war is back on.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Bah, a true draw.  I hope the Wyvern isn’t hurt too badly, he’s a star.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I don’t know. I’m sure THIEF will live up to his name and find another flying around somewhere.

    Avatar photoChristopher Fielitz

    Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what rules are you using for the ground battle?


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    <p style=”font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 20px !important;”>Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what rules are you using for the ground battle?</p>
    <p style=”font-size: 16px !important;”>

    The main combat is a simple opposed roll, each tank contributing a D6, highest win and cause a casualty. Cover (forest hex) ignore first hit. Multiple high dice causes multiple casualties.

    Tanks move 2 hex in open terrain and move 1 hex if moving from a forest terrain.

    Initiative is rolling a pool of dice equal to number of platoon and assign dice higher than number of tanks in platoon. A platoon of 2 need 3+ to activate. Patoons can be activated to move multiple times but can only attack once. Once it attacks it’s actiation ends.

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