Home Forums Nordic Weasel Games Historical Trench Hammer, 1918

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    Avatar photoJozisTinMan


    Dusted it off, enjoy!

    Ivan: I recently discovered Sabaton’s Great War album, inspirational. 🙂



    Avatar photoTony S

    Very nice!  I’m especially interested in Trench Hammer lately because I finally restarted an old project and now have some WW1 troops!  Even unearthed some trenches.

    I also am interested in your comparison of different rules using the same scenario.  I like doing that as well.  In fact, we’re planning on playing the same scenario but using LaSalle and then Shadow of the Eagles.


    Avatar photoJozisTinMan

    Thanks!  I keep flirting with Chain of Command WW1, but I am looking for something I can put down for 6 months and then pick up again and start playing with my limited time. Plus My figures are not individually based.  I know I could use a roster, but I have a mental block about it and I do NOT want to rebase.

    Crossfire will raise the scale slightly, so my next game will be a couple of German platoons against a British platoon defending, small for a crossfire game. We shall see how it develops.


    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I’m definitely interested in giving Trench Hammer a try though I can see the appeal of using the Lardies Chain of Command WW1. Going to try and get a couple of other projects out of the way first though.

    Blogging about wargames at https://comment-deleted.blogspot.co.uk

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Good to see this after I get done with a Team Yankee campaign game I’m running I will revisit this.

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