Home Forums General General TWW is chugging

  • This topic has 19 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Avatar photowillz.
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  • #25493
    Avatar photopaintpig

    Chugging along nicely dont you think? Comfortable environment, no crap politics or stamping of personalities and the posting is becoming more regular and friendly. I was interested in Rhoderics take on the way TWW is developing

    In that lens, TWW strikes me to some extent as a forum where there’s a particular interest in the microscales and in modern, Cold War and near-future settings. Also as a forum that, like TMP, has many users who are very interested in military history and in old-school “grand manner” wargaming (by which I refer to gaming the big battles of the “classic” wars like the ACW and Nappies, in what’s traditionally known as “the grand manner”). Where “fantasticals” are concerned, I think I’m seeing a significantly greater interest in sci-fi than in fantasy on this forum. I could be wrong about that.

    …I would have to agree particularly with the sci-fi comment, of course we (TWW) will take on our own personality and it is obvious I’m blowing a lot of hot air but I have time to think about it at the moment. I’m just happy we can just talk and post wargaming and history without the big ego thing that does so much damage to the vibe of a forum.

    >/end hot air

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photopaintpig

    Oh yeah any thoughts on having a show case/display case/gallery board,   a brain fart idea I just had

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    The points you and Rhoderic make are spot on. It is refreshing to talk about war gaming in a very friendly and welcoming environment. The emphasis on micro scale minis and Sci Fi is perhaps understandable, given the interests of the creator of the forum, but there is also plenty of room for any other genre or period to flourish here. As the membership grows and new interests become better represented, the hollows should fill.

    As to your idea of a gallery board, that would be lovely. I think folks here feel comfortable enough to just post pictures in their comments but a gallery would be more convenient. Should galleries be period specific or do you mean one gallery for everything? What I mean is, if you went to the gallery page would you see a listing of everything or would you see a list of genres and periods, click on that and then see the sub-gallery you chose? I am not sure if that is clear but I hope you get my drift.

    Thanks for a great suggestion.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    TWW is polite and Wargamy !!!

    Avatar photoMike

    By gallery do you mean just photos of models, games in progress, dioramas etc?
    Just wondering why not a regular post in the era/genre specific forum?

    Or more like an eye-candy topic, but who decides what is eye-candy enough?

    Is it like a showcase, you know, really amazing stuff or not?

    Or how about a friendly competition?
    Maybe every 3 months I pick a theme and people send in entries and we all vote on it.

    Maybe the first one could be:

    Best Military Vehicle?

    Avatar photosheepman

    I have to saythat I do fined TWW quite chilled and laid back, unlike certain other forums that I could name, many of who’s contributers have agendas of their own bubbling away in the background. Everything changes and developes over time but pretty please don’t stray down any dark roads guys. Keep it light, keep it informative and keep it friendly.
    Personally I think folk should just post pictures of figures whatever within the format as is, we can still find them in the Napoleonics, modern sections etc. A gallery seems to me to encorage everyone to place them in one section to the possible detriment of all of the others.
    Of course I could be talking compleate rubbish!

    'The higher up the tree the monkey goes, the more of it's arse you can see'.
    To bosses everywhere!


    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Painting competitions could be fun. I hope there’s enough interest for that.

    I’d enter a TWW contest to paint one or more military vehicles, assuming it’s an open, friendly contest that doesn’t set too many criteria for what counts as an admissible vehicle for the purposes of the contest. So for instance, if one entrant wants to paint a Babylonian chariot and another wants to paint a sci-fi mech, let them. It would, of course, be nice if all entries were newly painted expressly for the contest.

    I’m just one guy, though. Would there be enough interest?

    Avatar photoCerdic

    I prefer photos to be in the relevent forums. A ‘competion forum’ or whatever might be a good idea though!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I wonder if part of it is who chose to be active here from the start. Obviously, Michael has a bit influence, but with people like QRF posting frequently as well, it definitely helped give a bit of a nudge to the modern and scifi stuff.

    For a while, hte modern forum was basically the “No End in Sight” forum 🙂

    Avatar photoMike

    The problem I have getting more people to join and post is the old catch 22.

    Many say they will post more if it were busier.
    I say to them that if you do some posting yourself, then it will be busier.

    Now, if I can find some way to get people to post here and not elsewhere, then people will have to come here.
    (to be fair there are some that do this, but not enough to make a point or a difference, yet….)


    Avatar photoSparker

    So as an avowed ‘grand manner’ Napoleonics and ACW gamer, I am in a minority here, despite being one of the first to join? Well fair enough! Looking back at those threads I have contributed to, or taken info from, most of them are Cold War orientated – but that’s more a function of the expertise we have around here.

    As far as the friendly and welcoming environment goes, I am reminded of a sign that supposedly hung outside the Paris Zoo (before its exhibits were consumed in the FPW siege) ‘Beware of the dangerous wild animals within – if attacked, they will bite’! Whilst on other fora I have responded to attacks robustly, here I simply have not felt the need to.

    (One of my first experiences on TMP was being advised to check into a lunatic asylum by a poster who was a published author, who up to that point I had respected. He questioned my sanity because I asked him why he had not referred to Wellington’s Waterloo Dispatch as a source when discussing the Duke’s attitude to the question of how much he owed to the Prussian arrival at Waterloo – cheeky perhaps, but not a sign of incipient madness I would have thought!)

    There is one character around here who’s pomposity I long to puncture, but I suppose the calm and gentlemanly atmosphere has had an influence….The momentary satisfaction soon be replaced by remorse knowing that I had taken the forum a tiny way down the slippery slope…

    'Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall need to be well 'ard'
    Matthew 5:9

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I’ve only had one really bad interaction with an industry person, to the point where I regretted buying their product and refuse to talk it up online anymore.

    (And no, not telling).

    Maybe I’ve been lucky 🙂

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Accepting that bloggers will tend to post across several sites including here, one of the things that I try to do in such instances is to only reply to the blog post here.

    If bloggers feel that there is part of their audience who only interact with them here, then they may be more likely to return here to engage.


    Avatar photopaintpig

    Good point Norm and there are no prizes for guessing who you refer to Sparker…. I noted a chap who comes across as a stalker of certain individuals, seems to be expert on driving people “away”  and that did lower my spirits slightly.

    As far as the gallery is concerned, well it was just an idea, not set in stone. I guess I was thinking more as a display case proposition let people show off their uber work and talk about painting and I dont mean pro painted quality more like the best that we can do without snobbery. Maybe a friendly comp would tie in nicely?

    Anyway I leave it for the membership to discuss and Mike to decide of course, throw some ideas around see what sticks to the wall

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    I really like this forum and I am inclined to believe that others will too when they dip their toe in. I only wish that we keep things polite, respectful (unless being purposefully silly), and game-centric. I also wish I had the time and self discipline to learn how to post pictures of my own, but alas I am a Luddite and a Leveller at heart so that’s not likely to happen. Keep up the great work members and editors alike and TWW could become rolling thunder!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    A very appreciative Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photopaintpig

    Well Rod the easiest way to post pictures is to open a photo bucket account, from there any number of us can help you out both with up loading your photo’s to photo bucket which is as easy as drag and drop and then posting a link here which more or less makes your photo’s appear just like magic.

    First task is to open a Photo Bucket account, so hop to it.

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photoEtranger

    …First task is to open a Photo Bucket account, so hop to it.


    which is free BTW!

    Avatar photopaintpig

    I guess I should post some photo’s, in the future I’ll save some work as TWW exclusive

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
    Slowly Over A Low Flame

    Avatar photoBandit

    I like it here, the conversation is more sparse than I desire it to be but I agree with Mike that the issue is critical mass and the way to solve that is to keep it up and keep going. The conversation is also kinder here than elsewhere and more on-topic. Even in Napoleonics where it seems you always find a lightning rod of dispute on any forum, this one remains fairly calm even when something negative spikes. That’s a good side of average to be on.


    The Bandit

    Avatar photowillz

    I enjoy this forum, I have always had a friendly welcome when visiting and members are a happy bunch.  I try look in at most of the posts even at periods and scales that are not my favorites, though if I had time, space and money I would do them all.  That’s the best thing about this forum I can indulge my dream of doing lots more different war-game things.  A big thanks to one and all.

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