Home Forums Modern Vehicles in Skrimish Sangin?

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    Avatar photoricharDISNEY


    I was giving Skirmish Sangin a go last night with some club members, and we were using the HMMWV, and we think we got the rules wrong.

    So rolling penetration with small arms fire seemed too easy to kill off my vehicle.

    Anybody else have this issue?


    Also the 20″ DV range on a heavy mortar seemed a bit huge…  Or am  I half cocked?

    "What EXACTLY is a 'Headpiece of the Staff of Ra' "?

    Avatar photoGraham Knight

    I will go re read, but I think that you played it right.  Rolling fire on a light vehicle is going to do damage eventually. ( An arrow off  55pound pull compound bowstriking in the engine will take out a a Nissan Sedan – I know because I have seen it happen when an idiot drove one across a West African archery range at speed during shooting practice.)    And don’t forget that with Skirmish Sangin you are very very close and 1 for 1.  Big bangs really will affect the run of play.



    Avatar photoGraham Knight

    Hi Richard

    I went through the rules again and yes the Hummer can go down to small arms.  There is a basic 12% penetration chance for small arms against class 2 armour. This basically induces a vehicle stopped and bail out.  In the narrative nature of Sangin I would venture to suggest this might change the game to one of recover the Hummer, or destroy all its secrets type of game.

    The big mortar danger zone is 30 where mere mortals take 1 D10 of damage. Sangin really is up close and personal.  Nice for detailed solo play as far as I am concerned.  But I like  Ambush Alley and CWC as well.




    Avatar photoricharDISNEY

    I am also a huge FoF fan.

    I see where we went wrong.  We had the HMMWV a Armour of 1, not 2.  Makes better sense now.

    While that 1d10 is not that of a biggie for the ISAF side, its a real bear on the insurgent side.


    Have you played it as a ISAF vs. ISAF type of force game?  e.g. modern troopers vs. modern troopers?  Will it work?

    We do like the narrative side of it, but I will admit that it is a bit hard NOT to react to some troop movement that you are supposedly unaware of.

    But overall good game for small forces.

    "What EXACTLY is a 'Headpiece of the Staff of Ra' "?

    Avatar photoJurgen Leistner

    Skirmish Sangin works fine for actions between two modern forces.





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