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    Avatar photoNorm S

    With Epic Napoleonics about to be released in January, I have returned to Epic ACW in anticipation of collecting both series.

    I have put some painting / collecting / basing / rules thoughts up on the blog as I roll a few bases across the painting table.



    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Interesting post.

    Given the detail available on the figures I wonder how many boxes will end up in the pile of shame awaiting the paint brush?

    Like you, I was baffled by the gaps at the side of the ACW troops – it may be an issue where trying to squeeze another figure in the strip either ups the cost or looks wrong and they wanted the bases a standard size…

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Hard to say. I suppose there is an audience who will be happy to use Blue and Grey or Red and Blue armies and for them the stress of having to paint up large numbers will totally pass them by, they will just enjoy the play.

    Then there are those that will paint to the 3 ft rule and be happy with the results. The modern figures take inks well and small highlight can give great effect for less input.

    But I’m sure the shelf of shame will be a destination for some, though I don’t think it is a product that can be judged for this in isolation, as I imagine most of us with have a pile of shame of varying manufacturers, each bought with good intentions and enthusiasm. I’m pretty sure, like everything else, it will just find its place and settle down.

    One of the crossroad moments might be if they start to appear on demo tables at wargame shows and then you have that thing of the demo encouraging sales at the show and the photographs appearing on line or in magazines – can they become as mainstream as 28’s?.

    Avatar photoStephen Holmes

    Waterloo is a tough ask for a manufacturer compared to ACW.

    More variety in every direction: Line and light infantry, cavalry of all weights in different costumes, horse and foot artillery.

    Also no equivalent Kallistra range to fill out the obscure little corners of the offering.

    And that all before considering the mem-like fickleness of the Napoleonic gamer.


    I wish them luck, and look forward to seeing the figures in action.

    Avatar photoBenjamin Cato

    I must admit that I was very tempted with the Epic Napoleonic armies and really liked the concept. But when I sat down and did a comparison with the Pendraken range Pendraken has more options and flexibility for the game table size I have.

    It is a great concept and I think that it will generate a lot of interest.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Very informative post. I think the whole massed armies in small scale in plastic is a great concept personally. I wouldn’t see myself buying in to the system but using the figures for NT rules, OHW, WAI and his Nap rules are all possibilities I think I might explore. I am guessing single sprues and unfinished projects will come up on eBay. Interesting that ECW is on the cards. It’s the only period I haven’t tried but recently have been reading about.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

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