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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I have started putting together the campaign page(s) of my website in readiness for our upcoming 10mm WFB 3rd edition campaign.

    It is bare bones at the moment but you can find it HERE

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I’m intrigued at first by the campaign idea and maps, but then I spotted something incredible. Is that a 10mm chicken in Thule farm?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Sure is…

    Here it is visiting Stoodhof.

    It is actually a different model, can’t have too many.

    Avatar photogreg954

    You certainly know how to knock together a good gaming table. I’m interested in this, I must admit.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    You think that’s amazing, wait till you see the scale accurate spiders and webs in his barn! 😉

    So the area you’re playing in is SE of Drebkau?  What program did you use to make your area map, it looks great!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks both.

    Drebkau sounds like a real place, is it a real place?

    I used Inkarnate for the map.


    Avatar photoRobert Armstrong

    Drebkau exists both in Stirland and Germany



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    That is slack of me, from looking at a number of maps I reckon it is pretty much around here:

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I see, I thought you had tied it in to the south and east of Drebkau on the West and Central Stirland map, SE of The Moot (only because of the rivers course and the mountains being right there, and that stretch of water being called Aver).

    Now I wonder how much of an area a vampire army could actually control and administrate (not just conquer)…

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So The Auld Ryding is WFB 2nd and before The Empire as we know it.

    So the descriptions in the book don’t quite tally with what comes later, having said that, this map shows it sort of there and it actually changes the 2nd edition olde English place names to slightly more Germanic sounding ones.

    Mayby becomes Maylhof
    Shoodthorpe becomes Stoodhof
    Averridge stays the same.



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Part One of Warm Ale and Mud is up on my site.


    Some spiel and images to tempt you to have a look.

    “Come Grimes don’t dally, tis a fine morn and most certainly I am not to be held up simply as you can not handle your wine as well as I”.

    “Must I sound the horn though my Lord?”

    Ballard Weller, the marshal of The Auld Ryding, a stern glance to Grimes, making it very clear that this is not up for debate, and so with some reluctance, Grimes blasts on the horn.
    It is nothing short of a miracle that the effort does not make him vomit, nor the resulting sound split his very tender head.

    “Excellent Grimes, Onward!!!”

    As they gallop off, Grimes feeling the worst he has felt in many a morn comes to the mistaken conclusion that the day could not possibly get any worse.

    From within the depths of the barrow mounds, the sound of a hunting horn cuts through the chill morning mist.

    The wretched abhumans that feast on sweet pork pause for a moment from their searching and look to their Vampire mistress for guidance.

    “Keep searching, I never said to stop” Geneive orders and after a heartbeat of consideration for her simple minded thralls, “there is nothing to fear”.

    Reassured the ghouls carry on sniffing and clawing at the burial mounds, trying to locate one particular tomb.

    Geneive however is not so sure, who could be out at such a time, on such a dismal day, and be this near to the barrows the simple locals fear to be haunted.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Is that burning hair I smell..?

    Good start, keep ’em coming.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    Nice account 🙂


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thank you both.
    The appreciation is indeed appreciated.

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    For me it’s this sort of game/campaign that makes the hobby such fun

    The fact you can share it just means we get some of the fun as well



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Let’s hope the story unfolds in an interesting way then!

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    “there is nothing to fear”

    Going by every horror film I’ve seen every thing will be fine – you just need to spread out so everyone is searching on their own to cover more area 🙂

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    you just need to spread out so everyone is searching on their own to cover more area

    Which is what they did!

    Avatar photogreg954

    I knew that Geneive would be trouble right from the onset. Ghouls are one thing, but Vampires are something else. Can’t help but wonder what type of vampiric creature she is? Sounds like she’s some sort of higher vampire. And what does she want with Kemmler? It can only mean one thing; trouble afoot!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Can’t help but wonder what type of vampiric creature she is?

    Time will tell..

    And what does she want with Kemmler?

    Pretty sure I mentioned that..   😉

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    It can only mean one thing; trouble afoot!

    That’s the problem with ghouls, they tend to drop about as many body parts as zombies, though Sir Weller did help them lose their heads… 😀

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photogreg954


    And what does she want with Kemmler?

    Pretty sure I mentioned that.. 😉

    Ah yes you did. Now he is a necromancer and a particular powerful one at that right? So, Geneive wants to bring undying rule and needs Kemmler to do it. But wouldn’t that make her a subordinate? Could be a rather fickle relationship at best maybe?

    Either way, I think Sir Weller will have his work cut out. Maybe best not to get pissed the night before a battle.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Good questions!

    So Kemmler in his prime was quite pokey, but ultimately was killed (again?) by a bunch of villagers and Dwarven miners.
    Resurrected he is still pokey, or at least will be, but even in his prime maybe he is not a match for a vampire that has centuries of unlife of experience?

    Of course this depends what particular version of WFB you are playing, in the later ones Kemmler was a beast.
    But then all named characters were…  \0/

    Sir Ballard Weller whilst the Marshall of the Auld Ryding and thus in charge of his own soldiers, is not in charge of the Shire of The Auld Ryding as a whole.
    The Shire is governed by Ben Waggenheim, the Reeve, or Shire Reeve, or Sheriff as the modern vernacular would have him known.

    So Sir Ballard Weller must defer to whatever Shire Reeve Waggenheim dictates.

    Ben Waggenheim as the Shire Reeve and overseer of the expenditure of the taxes from The Auld Ryding maintains a garrison of professional mercenary soldiers under the command of Captain Wilhem Prangst who is effectively paid by Waggenheim…

    The Forces of The Auld Ryding:

    Sergeant Ernst Lodd and 4 Constables of the Watch.

    Sir Justin Taag, a very very minor noble and his 4 men at arms.

    Sir Ballard Weller.
    Grimes the master of animals.
    10 Armbrustschutzen.    (Crossbowmen)
    4 Mounted Erzatsolder.   (Mounted Infantry)

    Wilhem Prangst, Mercenary Captain.
    10 Kriegsritter.    (Mounted Armbrustschutzen)
    20 Helblitzen.     (Halberdiers)

    The Map again for convenience.


    Avatar photogreg954

    Thanks, as I’m not familiar with WFB at all. All very interesting, so I will be eagerly following the story.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    WFB has changed soo much since the early days.
    This campaign has more of 2nd and 3rd edition feel to it, these were the days when The Empire was more Olde English feeling; when 4th edition came about it went much more Germanic and Holy Roman Empire.

    In fact the actual names from the 2nd edition WFB sourcebook I am using are different to what I am using. I have tweaked them to be less English sounding.

    Maylhof was Mayby, Stoodhof was Shoodthorpe, Averridge was always Averridge, as it is on a ridge overlooking the river Aver.

    Ballard was originally Barney, Wilhelm was William, etc.

    Anywho, thanks for following, off to make terrain for Part Two.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I have added a comments form to my Warm Ale and Mud page, not sure how effective it is, but feel free to use it if the desire takes you.


    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I tried to leave a reply if only to test the form

    But it’s a nice blog and I look forward to the next episode 🙂


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers, published and replied.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Just making a small crypt/mausoleum for part two of Warm Ale and Mud, and then we should be good to go!

    Avatar photogreg954

    I eagerly wait……

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Oooops yeah.
    Looks like 25mm WFB has taken hold of me at the moment.

    So my 25mm topic is where the 25mm oldhammer action is at…


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