Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic Wavre refight 28mm

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  • #197528
    Avatar photoMark O

    Another battlereport and some thoughts on scenario and rules. 🙂


    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoSkip

    Fantastic report and looking game.

    It would be tough for French to outplay historical outcome,  but not impossible. Sometimes it’s just the die roll that could be the difference.

    Avatar photoMark O

    Yes that’s right! Thanks Skip!

    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

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