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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    What size of WW1 game do you tend to prefer?

    I usually sit around the platoon level since I prefer skirmish games, but lately battalion sized has been calling my name.


    Operational level ala BBB.

    Avatar photoTony Hughes

    1 base represents about 250 men or about 4 bases per Bn.

    Everyone seems to have a different idea of what to refer to as ‘size’ so I prefer scale as a description.

    I have figures to field a full German Corps but haven’t managed to get even a full division in play as yet.


    Avatar photoAndrew Rolph

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yes, one base as a company with 6mm figures. One infantry corps and one cavalry division each for the British, French, Russians, Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Not yet played with any entire corps but a Division plus cavalry is fairly standard.</p>


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    How many figures do you guys put on each base?

    Avatar photoAndrew Rolph

    I use Irregular 6mm so…three infantry, two cavalry and one artillery piece on each base.


    Avatar photoMartinR

    Grand Tactical, manouvre units being Regiments/Brigades and Formations being Divisions and Corps. I do play the odd lower level game with company sized elements.


    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I guess I am holding up the skirmish end of the period!

    Avatar photoMartinR

    WW1 is generally gamed at two extremes, either 1:1 skirmish or huge Division /Corps battles. Unlike WW2, Brigade level games seem to be an exception.

    I generally base my stuff with an eye to one base per company representation, but later war stuff is based so it can be used as section bases (with LMGs, rifle grenadiers etc). Mostly my stuff ends up getting used as one base per battalion or even a Regiment.

    In 6mm it is usually one artillery piece or support weapon, or a single Irregular strip per base.

    In 15 and 20mm I do the same for artillery and support weapons, but just have two figures per infantry base. The armies are so huge I’m certainly not painting three figures per base, all those boots…

    Ive got a dozen box files of WW1 figures and vehicles, which I think is plenty. That excludes ships and aircraft.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

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