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    Avatar photoMark O

    I just posted about a castle in two forums, because I though it was relevant to those two subforums  (medieval and blackpowder).

    But one was locked because you can only post in one section?

    Am wondering why you cannot crosspost something if it is relevant to a couple of eras? This would seem to reduce the advantages of a forum to me as  I only look in sections I’m interested in, and this way I will clearly be missing out on things unfortunately. Indeed the chief advantage of a forum over  facebook is the ability to categorise things much better for ease of finding them!  If that functionality is compromised so is the usefulness of a forum.
    I get spamming is a thing to avoid but this doesn’t seem to be that to me.

    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoMike


    The chief reason is to make life easier.
    If you post in multiple forums, which post should people reply to?
    One of them, all of them, some of them?
    If they reply to all then that is more work for each person replying and then that means more work if everyone replies to every multiple of the same post.
    You could end up with lots of duplicate posts, which is not a great look or practical.

    I would rather have one topic in the best fit forum (general if nothing obvious springs to mind) than what looks like a minor spamming of posts.
    A lot of folk like to use TWW to funnel traffic to their own sites, which is fine, but if multiple posts of the same topic were allowed it could end up being like so many FB groups where you see the same content over and over and over which can turn people away.

    With search functions that are fairly efficient and the ability to subscribe to both topics and forums, plus the hot links for the forums at the bottom of each page it should be relatively easy to see what is new and follow things that are of interest.

    Avatar photoMark O

    Well here if they replied to it in medieval forum, presumably the thread would be about how the kit is used for medieval matters, whereas if it was replied to in Blackpowder forum it would be about how it could be used for blackpowder matters – again that seems to be a useful distinction and split up of the discussion to me.

    Also would there really be many duplicate posts? This is the first post I’ve made in two forums, all the other have been just one.
    On facebook you might see the same post over and over I think more because there are multiple groups for the same period –  which is thankfully not the problem here.

    Anyway if I had to pick one zone for this one I guess perhaps it could be terrain rather than either of the boards I posted it in, or perhaps better have titled the two topics differently so the focus was clear. I.e. Medieval Castle, vs more Napoleonic Siege warfare more generally. Oh well will remember for next time thanks.


    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoMike

    Would you like it moved to Terrain?

    Avatar photoMark O

    Yes that’s probably best if you would, thanks!

    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoMike

    Sorted, and now with terrain being time agnostic (is that the right word?) it allows all manner of chat on how to use that model, even fantasy and sci-fi.


    Avatar photoMark O

    Great thanks Mike!

    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoMike

    Great thanks Mike!

    No worries, only seems fair after bumming you out.

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