Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War Wilson's Creek

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    Avatar photoBill Moreno

    A short AAR of our January game, which took place at my home on Jan 17. The game was Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Dawn in the West Book 1. This is the first game in a series of 4 that will play out at conventions and my club events over the course of 2015. I will run this event again at Little Wars in St. Charles, IL in April. We gamed using Regimental Fire & Fury for about 5 hours and made it through 8 turns with several younger players involved.

    Wilsons Creek Battlefield
    A shot of the battlefield before the game began.

    CS Positions at Start
    The opening positions of the CS Side

    2nd US
    A close up of some of my Cracker Line figures, mostly in Frock Coats representing the 2nd US.

    Lyon's Position at 8A
    Lyon's position at 8A another view
    A Lyon in the woods. : )

    Assault begins
    The US Assault begins on Bloody Hill.

    Sigel is dormant.
    Sigel still not moving after 4 turns.
    Sigel required a roll of 6 on a 6 sided dice to move, although the CS players did not know this. He was never able to do so, but kept a CS Brigade occupied for much of the game.

    Assault meets success.
    Lyon’s attack on the hill captures the first of two key points. It looks much like a US victory by turn 4.

    The attack waivers.
    Although Lyon contested the second key point and captured it for a turn, a local CS counter-attack took that point back again for McCulloch’s boys.

    Arkansas Mounted Rifles and 3rd LA
    Fighting in Ray's cornfield.
    Heavy fighting on the east side of Wilson’s Creek was indecisive, but wore down the heavily outnumbered 1st US despite a resilient attack by a few of the only decent troops on the battlefield.

    CS moves west.
    The CS player now is able to extract a battery and three regiments from Ray’s cornfield to bring his numerical superiority into play on his own right on Bloody Hill.

    The Confederates stiffen.
    Yanks consolidate.
    The US players wisely chose to form a defensive line to stand up against the CS Counter-Assault.

    Defending against the defenders.
    Both sides consolidated their positions and did not attempt a full assault. The game ended in a tactical draw, with the US in a position which would likely require a strategic withdrawal.

    The game was bloody and fun.

    Avatar photoJames Rivera

    VERY nice looking game!  Thanks for sharing it!!


    Avatar photoNorm S

    Very nice looking game, inspiring for me to keep plodding on painting my 10mm Union army. Will watch out for the next three games.

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