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    Avatar photoAndy hutchinson
    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Would I dare what? <wonder what that smiley does?


    Dunno if Annie’s got here yet, so I’ll give her a plug (oooer!)




    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    They look nice.

    Avatar photoAndy hutchinson


    Honestly, hitting a certain age milestone soon and in all that time I have never come across dice bags before, expecially crocheted ones.


    Would you dare, turn up at the club, show tournament with your dice in one. Thinking about it it could be a good psychological weapon against your opponent πŸ™‚


    And NCS you might have sorted a prob for me. I was going to be looking for gift bags for family. Non wargaming related and you may have given me the answer with that link.




    Avatar photoNick the Lemming

    The dice lady ones are really cool, I’d be proud to take one of those to the club.

    Avatar photoAndy hutchinson

    The weird thing is I have spent the last ten minutes looking at the dice lady site. Thinking Christmas is not far away and I am looking thinking mmmmm could I put small christmas presents in some of these for the nieces πŸ™‚

    Avatar photoSparker

    Around these parts the Anzac biscuit tin seems to be de-rigeur for carrying buckets’ o dice around….

    'Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall need to be well 'ard'
    Matthew 5:9

    Avatar photoBad Squiddo Games

    Hey, there’s nothing crazy about crocheted dice bags! Not quite sure what the stigma is there, much better than a dirty old sock or lunchbox πŸ˜‰


    Cheers for the er, plugs and compliments guys!


    Let me know if you have any questions and whatnots, remember the old saying – Real Men use Dice Bags….


    Avatar photoAndy hutchinson

    Hey you leave my really useful box dice carrier alone,Β  it might not be crocheted (that is the right word yes? it just looks wrong) but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy πŸ™‚


    And not sure about real men which is why we won’t mention the order I just put in lol


    And Kudos to Nick for the plug.

    Avatar photoNick the Lemming

    Hey you leave my really useful box dice carrier alone, it might not be crocheted (that is the right word yes? it just looks wrong) but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy :-) And not sure about real men which is why we won’t mention the order I just put in lol And Kudos to Nick for the plug.


    To be fair, Connard mentioned them before me, so he gets the kudos. I was just trying to be in with the cool kids.


    Annie’s dice bags are really cool though. It’s my birthday soon too, so if anyone was thinking of getting me one…

    Avatar photoAndy hutchinson

    oops forgot Connard got the first mention, sorry mate.


    Won’t mention mine is coming along well. It’s one of those round numbers you don’t want to remember and would prefer that the end ofthe world happens at one minute to midnight.

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