Grand Prince Vytautus rides out

Fighting 15s re-releases Oddział Osmy’s 15mm Lithuanians for Tannenberg 1410

Following on the heels of the re-released 15mm Teutonic Order and Polish figures for the Battle of Tannenberg (Grünwald) 1410 come the Lithuanians. Formerly produced by Oddział Osmy of Poland, these figures are now available through Fighting 15s.

The Lithuanians comprise three packs:

ML01 Lithuanian Boyars
ML02 Grand Prince Vytautas and retinue
ML03 Lithuanian light cavalry

Each pack comprises four mounted figures with horses and costs £3.20 including VAT. There’s an option to add three extra figures to pack ML02 to boost the number of standard bearers and retainers.

The figures have been remastered, the original two-piece horse casting changed to one-piece castings, and new production moulds made. Figures come with a selection of cast weapons, and assembly is required.

The figures are listed in the New Arrivals section of the Fighting 15s website.