In this show hosts Neil Shuck & Mike Hobbs are joined by guest Andy Hobday to catch up on developments with several games systems from Footsore Miniatures, including Gangs of Rome and Mortal Gods.

00:00 – Introduction -We chat about supporting small businesses within the wargaming hobby
11:03 – Confessional – Time to own up to all those hobby purchases we have made recently, and to gaze longingly at other shiny toys
38:20 – Our Hobby – We talk about our recent gaming and painting.
1:09:49 – Footsore chat – Neil & Mike chat to Andy Hobday and catch up with all the latest developments with several games systems, including Mortal Gods, Gangs of Rome, Test of Honour 2 and a new Dark Age game coming from Footsore in 2020. In addition, we discuss with Andy his latest venture – a range of Baron’s War miniatures he is launching via Kickstarter, sculpted by Paul Hicks
2:15:14 – Outtro – Closing thoughts.

We hope you enjoy the show.